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Old Knowledgebase: HawkID and HealthCareID

Old Knowledgebase

HawkID and HealthCareID

ID Types:
  • HawkIDs are assigned by ITS, based on information received from the person's department or college. Sometimes, especially with visiting faculty, the easiest thing to do is to call their department and reassure the folks there that this person should have access to library resources. The "department" for most residents who are located outside of Iowa City is the Statewide Residency Training Program. The person there who can help them with their HawkID is Sara Piere (335-8618 or

UIowa Directory (can be used to find the vast majority of active hawkids): 

Patron Unaware of their HawkID:

They can call 4-HELP (or 4-4357), then extension 1. Then, they can talk to someone that will help them set up their hawkID password.