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Main Library Service Desk: Reporting a Crime Contact Information


Reporting A Crime

Janalyn Moss ( and Cathy Cranston ( have been designated as the Libraries' Campus Security Authorities (CSA).

What does this mean?

CSAs have obligations under federal law to report crimes in a timely manner. Our role within the libraries is to collect facts and then report them to the university's campus Clery contact, David Visin, associate director, UI police. If you become aware of a crime that has taken place and you are not sure if it has been reported already, please reach out to Cathy and/or Janalyn.

The details we need to pass along are:

  • type of crime
  • location of crime
  • when it happened
  • when it was reported to us

It's important to realize that reporting crimes is not about keeping statistics, it's about keeping our community safe.

If the person reporting the crime to you was also the victim of the crime, please help the person find campus resources to the best of your ability. 

The Jeanne Clery Act requires colleges and universities to keep a public crime log, publish an annual security report, provide timely warnings to students and employees about a crime posing an immediate or ongoing threat, and ensure basic rights for victims of designated crimes. The U.S. Dept. of Education enforces the Clery Act.