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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

Add by uploading files or manual entry

In addition to adding resources with the Cite it! Bookmarklet, instructors can add items by uploading them themselves or creating a manual entry.

Add items by uploading or manually


Upload files
Use this option if you want Course Materials+ to pull the metadata from a file you upload. It will usually still require some editing, so edit as needed.

The default is 50 MB. If your file is larger than 50 MB, you will need to split it up.

  1. Select Add > Upload Files.

    The option to upload files.

    Upload files option

  2. Browse to upload a file/folder. The Upload files wizard appears.

    The upload files pane.

    Upload files/folder

  3. If the Upload files copyright options are enabled, select the appropriate copyright information and select Next.

    The upload files wizard.

    Upload wizard

  4. CM+ attempts to pull item details from the file. If needed, enter or edit the details and select Next. The fields that appear depend on the type. Some of these fields appear only if you select More item details.

    The upload files item details wizard.

    More item details

  5. Optionally, select the section to which to add the file, fill in the course information section, and select Add. The file is added to the list.

    The upload files wizard.

    Add uploaded files

    When configured, the file includes a download icon to download the file and an icon that indicates the item type.

    The uploaded file.

    Uploaded file

Manual Entry
Use this option if you would like to type in the metadata from scratch.

  1. Select Add > Manual entry. The Manual entry wizard appears.

    The option to add manual entries.

    Manual entry option

  2. Enter a Title, select a file Type, and select Next.

    The manual entry wizard.

    Manual entry wizard

  3. Enter the details and select Next. The fields that appear depend on the type. Some of these fields appear only if you select More item details.

    All Types include the following fields – Additional Person Name, Creative Commons License, DOI, Edition, LCCN, OCLC Number, Place of Publication, Publication Date, Publisher, Resource Notes, Source, and Volume. For All types, you can upload a file and add a public note.

    Article, Electronic Article, and Journal include the following additional fields – Author/Creator, ISSN, Issue, Journal Title, Start Page, and End Page.

    Book, Conference, and E-book include the following additional fields – Author, ISBN, and Total Pages.

    Book chapter includes the following additional fields – Book Author, Book Title, Chapter Author, Chapter Number, Editor, ISSN, Pages, Start Page, and End Page.

    All other types include the following additional fields – Author, Chapter, End Page, ISBN, ISSN, Issue, Journal Title, Pages, Start Page, Title, and Total Pages.

    When adding a manual entry and entering an ISBN, the metadata auto-populates.

    The manual entry item details wizard.

    Item details

  4. Optionally, select the section to which to add the item, (1) check the Hide checkbox to hide the item from students, (2) enter a Student note, or (3) Add a loan-period Tag and select Add. The item is now added to the list.

    The manual entry wizard.

    Add manual items

    The item includes the type and status.

    ***NOTE***   Library Processing means the Library has received and is reviewing your listThe manually added file.Add item manually