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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

Add by uploading files or manual entry

In addition to adding resources with the Cite It! bookmarklet, directly from InfoHawk+, or by using the 'Search the Library' option from within Course Materials+ on your ICON site, an instructor can add an item by uploading it themselves or by creating a manual entry for an item.

Upload files
Use this option if you would like Course Materials+ to pull the metadata from a file you upload. It will usually still require some editing, so edit as needed.

  1. Select + Add
  2. Select Upload files
  3. Either drag the file from your computer or select the option to browse your computer for the file. (Note - you can pull over a folder of files if you have several things to upload and you want to do them all at once) *Note* Some files may need to be split if they are too large.

Manual Entry
Use this option if you would like to type in the metadata from scratch.

  1. Select + Add
  2. Select Manual Entry
  3. Fill in as much metadata as you have and verify its accuracy.

Add items by uploading or manually