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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

Add by uploading files or manual entry

In addition to adding resources with the CiteIt! bookmarklet, directly from InfoHawk+, or by using the 'Search the Library' option from within ICON, instructors may occasionally need to add an item by uploading it themselves or creating a manual entry for an item.

Upload files
Use this option if you would like to have Course Materials+ try to pull the metadata from a file you upload. It will usually still require some editing.

  1. Select Upload a File to add a new resource.
  2. Either drag the file from your computer or select the option to browser your computer for the file. (Note - you can pull over a folder of files if you have several things to upload and you want to do them all at once.)

Manual Entry
Use this option if you'd like to type in the metadata from scratch about something you are going to upload.

Add items by uploading or manually