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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

Course Materials+ list 1-2-3

  1. Add Course Materials+ to the course's ICON site

  2. Create a list

  3. Send your list to the library
    There is a banner across the top of the page as you work on your list. Click the 'Send to Library' button to share your list with Libraries staff. Within this step, the library can start working on gathering or purchasing materials. You can make the list visible to your students simultaneously by choosing to publish the list to your students when you click "Send to Library," or you can wait until the list is complete.

Note: Publishing the list will not publish your ICON course and publishing your ICON course will not automatically publish your list.

If you do not click 'Send to Library,' the Libraries staff will not be notified that there is a list that needs attention.

Contact Libraries' staff using the discussion feature

discussion iconThe Course Materials+ library discussion tab, on the right side of the reading list in ICON, is our preferred method of communication because it will tie your message directly to the course/reading list in question, therefore speeding up our workflow. We are also available by email at

Course Materials+ Availability

Course Materials+ is available for university instructors and students. This system integrates directly into ICON without the need for a secondary password, is mobile-friendly, and can be customized for accessibility and improved user experience.

Course Materials+ is intuitive to use with a low barrier to entry, and has significant benefits for instructors and students: 

  • Reduced workload for instructors
    • Reading lists can be saved and reused across semesters
    • Creating multiple reading lists in draft form allows instructors to work at their own pace
    • Autonomy in developing, changing, updating, and saving course lists
  • Improved student experience
    • Centrally located course materials
    • Easy and affordable access to Libraries-purchased resources
    • The ability to quickly report broken media links
  • Seamless library integration and support
    • Add library subscriptions, open educational resources, popular media, and multimedia
    • Get expert support for help with copyright, accessibility, and other questions
    • The “Cite It!” feature allows direct import for readings wherever, whenever

Course Materials+ allows users to see physical and e-reserves for courses in one place and accommodates a variety of media types. Instructors can incorporate citations directly from a database into a reading list and can communicate online with students and library staff about resources and more.

Course Reserves

Course Reserves are physical materials from your library that are set aside for a predetermined loan period. Materials can include books, anatomical models and more.

Course Reserves in ICON is called Course Materials+ and are accessible from ICON. Reading lists collect resources into a single, searchable location. Through Course Materials+, students can:

  • View and download course content
  • Suggest additional resources found useful for the course
  • Mark readings and assignments completed
  • Create a list of favorite resources
  • Request holds and Interlibrary Loans
  • Export your list to use in other apps like Word, Excel, or PDF
  • Export reading list citations to Zotero or Mendeley

Stream Smart: Prioritizing Accessibility and Copyright Clearance

Accessibility considerations:

  • Electronic format texts are usually accessible to people with a print disability
  • Not all streaming services offer subtitles, other languages, or closed captioning.
  • DVD/Blu-ray films in our Media collection can be requested in advance, but are not placed on the Course Reserve shelf. See our Course Reserve policy for details.

Instructors are responsible for determining if their use of copyrighted material falls within Fair Use or if they need to obtain permission to use the material. Visit the Libraries’ copyright guide for information on how to make this determination.