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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

How to Install the Cite It! Bookmarklet

Adding items with Cite It!

The "Cite It!" bookmarklet lets you easily add resources from websites, online articles, videos, etc., directly to your reading lists. "Cite It!" can even be used to add items that need to be purchased. Just add the appropriate tag.

  1. Go to the resource page and click on the "Cite It!" button. (Reminder - how to install the Cite It! button.)
  2. A pane will open up. Choose the reading list and section where the resource should go. Add or correct any relevant or missing information.

Off-campus access to library resources

Some resources available through the Libraries that are not found in InfoHawk+ can be found by searching a database to which we have access. In this case, the easiest way to add this resource to a list is to use the "Cite It!" bookmarklet and then use the proxy link generator to add the Libraries' proxy server address to the resource's URL.

For help finding articles and adding the proxy server, please contact your subject librarian.