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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

What is Course Materials+?

Course Materials+ is an app on ICON that instructors use to list all of the materials for their courses in one place. Your instructor needs to embed Course Materials+ into your course so you can reap the following benefits:

• Request holds and Interlibrary Loans
• Request and access high-quality screen-readable text scans
• Print your list of materials and mark items done
• Export your list to use in other apps, like Excel

Furthermore, the list(s) can combine resources provided by the Libraries, saving you money, as well as other items added by the instructor from other sources. Lists are typically divided into sections coinciding with course themes, topics, weeks, etc., depending on how your instructor sets things up. The Libraries Service Desk can provide you with a Student Postcard containing useful information as a quick reference guide for you.

Read more about some of the features of Course Materials+ that can help you manage and prioritize your course's materials list:

What students can do in Course Materials+

In addition to viewing and downloading resources, students can engage with the course list in Course Materials+ in various ways:

  • Check the availability, location, and loan policy of physical materials in the Libraries
  • Access electronic resources directly from ICON
  • Use posted due dates to help manage your time
  • Use the essential and recommended tags to prioritize tasks
  • Use the checkmark option to mark an item as done
  • Add private notes to specific citations (to add observations, questions, and quotations)
  • Create your own collection with resources for assignments or for later use
  • Export the list to another file format
  • Print the list
  • Request an item be put on hold
  • Request digitization
  • Mark broken links directly from your list



  1. User Menu: settings and accessibility options
  2. Reading list options: print or export the list to several different file formats
  3. Upcoming Due Dates: due dates for materials on the list. This is different from the due dates on ICON
  4. Number of items and sections in the list
  5. Syllabus, if uploaded by your instructor
  6. Toggle section view: expand or collapse sections
  7. Refresh this page
  8. Filter: use tags, material types, sections and other criterion to filter items on the list
  9. Compact view: to view more items per page/screen
  10. Search
  11. Section name
  12. Section dates, if added by your instructor
  13. Section description, if added by your instructor
  14. Material type
  15. Due Date
  16. Mark as Done checkmark: mark items as done to keep track of what you have already read/watched
  17. Duration of video or number of pages
  18. Loan period and priority tags, if added by your instructor: can let you know for how long an item can be checked out, and if the item is essential, recommended, or optional
  19. Availability, location and call number of item: real time information about item location and availability
  20. Link to view material online, if available