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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

Broken link? Report it (after you've tried clearing your cache)

If you can't access an electronic resource provided by the Libraries, please mark the link as broken. This action will notify library staff who will work to resolve the problem and contact you. Please see our troubleshooting tips to clear your browser's cache before marking a link as broken.

mark a link broken to report it to the library

Try clearing the browser's cache and/or using a different browser. If that does not work, report the problem to the Libraries by clicking on the citation and "Mark as broken". Libraries staff might not be able to fix the issue immediately. While we are working on resolving the problem, there are a couple of other ways it might be possible to access that same resource:

  1. Click on the citation to open it and choose a different database. The same resource can be available from different databases, and if you can't access it through one of them, you might be able to access it using a different database
  2. Many resources are available both in physical and electronic formats. If the library is open check the catalog to see if the Libraries owns a physical copy of the item, and if it is available