Requesting digitization of book excerpts and print articles directly from Course Materials+ will make the pdf files available to students as soon as they are ready.
[Note: For streaming video and other audiovisual media, please submit a Purchase Request by adding the "Electronic Item Purchase Request" tag.]
- Add the resource to your list and then click on the title of the citation to expand and see the options available.
- Click on 'Digitization Request'

- List the part of the resource you want to have digitized, being mindful of copyright laws. Be as specific as you can (page numbers are best, but chapter numbers and names are also helpful). If you are requesting multiple chapters, this MUST be done one chapter at a time. If you identify multiple chapters in one request, it will be rejected and you will have to start over.
- Check the "Include images" box if you want them included.
- Add a note if you need to.
- Don't forget to click "Send" so the process can begin.