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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

Request a purchase from Course Materials+

To request the purchase of physical or electronic resources, add the item needed to the list and add the appropriate purchase tag(s). Choose one of the following options:

To request a different format of an item already owned by the Libraries (e.g.: to request the purchase of an e-book of a title owned in print):

  1. Add the physical book to the list and add "Electronic Item Purchase Request" tag:

To request the purchase of an item not owned by the Libraries using the Cite It! bookmarklet:

  1. Go to the webpage where the resource is (author website, vendor, etc.) and click on the "Cite It!" button.
  2. Check that the information pre-filled by Course Materials+ is correct. Edit as needed. Click on "Add & Close": 
  3. Add the appropriate purchase tag to the item on the Course Materials+ list:  

To request the purchase of an item not owned by the Libraries using a blank form:

  1. Click on +Add and choose "Manual Entry"
  2. Fill out the "Type" and "Title" fields. It is helpful to add more information, such as author, publisher, edition, etc., especially if a resource has several editions, or was translated by several different people. Click "Add & Close" 

       3. Add the appropriate purchase tag to the item on the Course Materials+ list: