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Course Materials+

Including Course Materials+ in ICON

Moving and deleting citations

1. Drag and drop: click on the light blue bar on the right side of the citation, drag it to the desired place, and drop it.


2. Add to clipboard: click on the citation's menu, click on "Add to clipboard", then choose where the citation will be and click on "Move". Multiple citations can be added to the clipboard and then moved in bulk to the same location.


3. Arrow buttons: the light blue bar on the side of the citations also has up and down buttons that can be used to move the citations


To delete a citation, go to the citation's options menu (ellipsis) on the top right corner of the citation and click on "Delete" (last option)

To delete citations in bulk, click on the "Edit multiple items" button on the top of the list, select the citations to be deleted and click on "Delete items" on the top right corner of the page.

Moving sections

To move sections, first click on the "Toggle section view" button to collapse all sections:


To move a section, drag and drop it using the blue bar on the right, use the up and down arrows on the blue bar, or copy the section to the clipboard and then move it.