Course Materials+ can help you ensure your students can actually access the readings, videos and more in your course. This video shows you how. 12 minutes, 29 seconds.
Contents and timeline
Create a list 0:18
Details on the CM+ guide 1:23
Workflow overview 1:34
Copyright & Fair Use for Education 3:21
Adding UI materials through Course Materials+ 4:03
Ask Libraries' staff through Discussion Tab 5:37
Adding materials through library catalog 5:50
Adding materials with DOIs or ISBNs 7:04
Adding materials we don't (yet) own 7:35
Using a purchase tag 8:55
Adding publicly available content 9:24
Helpful library staff 9:54
Using tags to instruct course reserves staff 10:25
Helpful guide to CM+ 11:21
Quick review & conclusion 11:42