Amos Tutuola (b. 1920-d. 1997) was a Nigerian author who wrote mainly fantasy novels. According to African Book Portals, Tutuola was the first African, whose works were published in English outside of Africa (source). "He is best known for the novel, The Palm-Wine Drinkard and His Dead Palm-Wine Tapster in the Deads’ Town (1952), which was the first Nigerian book to achieve international fame. In The Palm-Wine Drunkard and his subsequent novels, Tutuola incorporated Yoruba myths and legends into loosely constructed prose epics that improvise on traditional themes found in Yoruba folktales.
The Palm-Wine Drinkard is a classic quest tale in which the hero, a lazy boy who likes to spend his days drinking palm wine, gains wisdom, confronts death, and overcomes many perils in the course of his journey." His other novels include My Life in the Bush of Ghosts, Simbi and Satyr of the Dark Jungle, The Brave African Huntress, The Feather Woman of the Jungle, Ajaiyi and His Inherited Poverty, and the Witch-Herbalist of the Remote Town, and many other works that present Yoruba mythology. - Encyclopedia Britannica
Photo: Faber and Faber