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What is a citation?

When doing research it is often necessary to consult other research. Citations are a way of identifying the sources you have quoted, paraphrased, or used in your research and writing. They let others know that they can trust your work and follow or extend your research.

Citations also help you to build your credibility as a scholar. By citing your sources, you are showing respect for the researchers you got your information from.

The three most common citation styles used are APA, Chicago/Turabian, and MLA.

Most citation styles are made up of two parts:
  • In-Text Citation
  • Full Citation

In-Text Citation:
  • Brief notation of the source you're referencing in the body of your paper
  • Each in-text citation has a corresponding entry in your reference list or bibliography
  • Typically includes the title or authors name and a page number or date

Full Citation
  • More detailed list of your sources at the end of your work
  • Includes all essential publication information (i.e. Author, Title, Publisher, Date, etc.)
  • Allows your readers to find the exact resource you used
  • Different names depending on the style
    • MLA: Works Cited
    • APA: Reference List
    • Chicago: Bibliography

Take a look at this video for a quick introduction to citations!


Why can't I find citation style I need?

If the tabs above do not have an example to help you then please contact the Service Desk, they will be happy to point you in the right direction. 

Guide Info

For information about this guide, contact Brett Cloyd or Kaeli Nieves-Whitmore

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Librarians are available to help you with your questions. Please don't hesitate to contact us with any questions you might have regarding citation styles, citation management, etc.

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