1) Read: The following chapters of: Neuroradiology: The Requisites, 5th ed.
a) Cranial anatomy: Chapter 1,
b) Degenerative Diseases of the Spine: Chapter 15
2) Review MRI protocols with staff
3) Review basic MRI brain sequences with staff:
-Including but not limited to T1 pre and post, +/- fat saturation, T1 +/- FLAIR/IR; MPRAGE vs T1 with TSE; T2, T2 3D SPACE/CISS, T2 FLAIR, T2 STIR; GRE/SWI; DWI/ADC
-MR angiography/venography sequences: e.g. role of T1 FS sequences, TOF versus post contrast
4) Answer 50 Neuro questions from Radprimer and/or Board Vitals
1) Read: The following chapters from: Neuroradiology: The Requisites, 5th ed.
a) Infectious and Noninfectious Inflammatory Diseases of the Brain: Chapter 5,
b) Nondegenerative Diseases of the Spine: Chapter 16
2) Answer a cumulative of 100 Neuro questions from Radprimer and/or Board Vitals
1) Read: The following chapters from: Neuroradiology: The Requisites, 5th ed.
a) Intracranial Neoplasms: Chapter 2
b) Vascular Diseases of the Brain: Chapter 3
2) Answer a cumulative of 150 Neuro questions from Radprimer and/or Board Vitals