The purpose of the rotation is to focus on learning genitourinary imaging.
Read Genitourinary Imaging: The Requisites, 3rd ed., Chapters 2-4:
Ch 2. The kidney and retroperitoneumL anatomy and congenital abnormalities
Ch 3. Renal masses
Ch 4. The kidney, diffuse parenchymal abnormalities
Watch lectures:
Cystic renal masses, by Smith
CT and MRI of small solid renal masses, by Schieda
Read Genitourinary Imaging: The Requisites, 3rd ed., Chapters 5, 6, 9:
Ch 5. The Renal Sinus, Pelvocalyceal System, and Ureter
Ch 6. The Lower Urinary Tract
Ch 9. Imaging of the Adrenal Glands
Watch lectures:
Imaging of the Adrenal Glands, by Corwin
Rad Primer cases:
Intermediate GU
Read Genitourinary Imaging: The Requisites, 3rd ed., Chapters 7, 8, 10:
Ch 7. The female genital tract
Ch 8. The male genital tract
Ch 11. Interventional Genitourinary Radiology
Watch lectures:
Evaluation of incidental ovarian lesions, by Shinagare
Rad primer cases:
Intermediate GU