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Diagnostic Radiology: Neuro CT 1

Week 1

Learn anatomy by reviewing the following Radiopaedia cases:

CT head: non-contrast axial
CT head: non-contrast coronal
CT head: non-contrast sagittal

Head and neck:
CT head: bone window axial skull base
CT head: bone window axial calvarium
CT facial bones/orbits: axial
CT facial bones/orbits: coronal
CT facial bones/orbits: sagittal
CT temporal bone: axial
CT temporal bone facial nerve: axial
CT temporal bone inner ear: axial
CT temporal bone middle ear: axial
CT temporal bone external ear: axial
CT neck lymph node levels: axial, coronal, sagittal

X-ray cervical spine: lateral
X-ray cervical spine: AP

Learn how to read a brain CT. Review the following websites:

SAEM: Brain Imaging
Brigham and Womens Basic Approach to Head CT Interpretation
IEM-student how to read a head CT


Chapter 6 on "The Cervical Spine" from Imaging Skeletal Trauma, 4th ed.

Week 2


Som and Curtin Ch 7 on Facial trauma (only available in hard copy in the Radiology Library)
Chapter 7 on "The Thoracolumbar Spine" from Imaging Skeletal Trauma, 4th ed.

Review the follow websites:

Radiopaedia article on CT perfusion
Medscape article on non-contrast head CT

Read article:

CT article for acute stroke

Rad Primer:

Basic Neuroradiology spine

Week 3


Hoang paranasal sinuses article
Hoang retropharyngeal abscess

Som and Curtin Levels
Som and Curtin Ch 3 (only available in hard copy in the Radiology Library)


Website on parapharyngeal abcesses

Rad Primer cases:

Basic Neuroradiology Brain