The purpose of the rotation is to prepare you for emergent body findings which you may see on call.
Read Emergency Radiology: The Requisites, 2nd ed.
Ch 2. Chest Trauma
Ch 3. Abdominal trauma
Radiographics Online Presentation:
Abdominal and Pelvic Trauma: Misses and Misinterpretations at Multidetector CT
Read Emergency Radiology: The Requisites, 2nd ed.
Ch 9. Non trauma abdomen
Ch 10. Pelvic emergencies
Watch lecture:
Bowel obstruction, when to worry, by Paulson
Radiographics Articles:
MR Imaging Evaluation of Perianal Fistulas: Spectrum of Imaging Features
Imaging of Acute Conditions of the Perineum
Read Emergency Radiology: The Requisites, 2nd ed.
Ch 7. Traumatic and non traumatic spine injuries
Ch 11. Vascular emergencies
Radiographics Articles:
MR Cholangiopancreatography of Bile and Pancreatic Duct Abnormalities with Emphasis on the Single-Shot Fast Spin-Echo Technique
Pitfalls in MR Cholangiopancreatographic Interpretation