Welcome to the Thoracic and Cardiovascular pre-call rotation. The focus of this rotation is to continue building the fundamental, maturing into more synthetic analyses of studies and specifically focusing on topics that you will encounter on call. This rotation is not just about reading material and knowledge. It's about skills - time management, triaging patients, efficient reviews of image, even more efficient dictation of reports, etc. Please see the written curriculum for more details. It's a lot of work, but doing the prep now will be so much better than trying to figure it all out when on call.
Below are reading/video materials that I think you'll find helpful over the course of the 3 weeks. Please try to get through it all.
This first week is about solidifying the fundamentals so you have a solid foundation on which to prep for call. The readings may seem a lot but should be a lot of review. The videos should be done at the end as they lead into next week's topics.
Fundamental's of Body CT chapters 1-7
Chapter 1 - Introduction to CT of the Thorax: Chest CT techniques
Chapter 2 - Mediastinum: Introduction and normal anatomy
Chapter 3 - Mediastinum: Vascular abnormalities and pulmonary embolism
Chapter 4 - Mediastinum: Lymph node abnormalities and masses
Chapter 5 - The pulmonary hila
Chapter 6 - Lung Disease
Chapter 7 - Pleura, chest wall and diaphragm
Videos (20 minutes each):
"The acutely ill patient: pulmonary disease pattern recognition" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2020)
"Pulmonary edema - cardiogenic/noncardiogenic" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2020)
This week begins to focus on call specific material and 2 big topics, pulmonary emboli and ICU radiographs
PE Readings:
"How I Do It: CT Pulmonary Angiography"
"State of the Art Pulmonary CT angiography for acute pulmonary embolism"
PE Videos (20min each):
"Pulmonary Embolism: Tricks for the on call resident" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2019)
"Pulmonary Embolism evaluation - Questions you will be asked" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2020)
ICU Readings:
"Chest Radiography in the ICU pt1: Evaluation of Airway, Enteric and Pleural Tubes"
"Chest Radiography in the ICU part 2: Evaluation of Cardiovascular lines and other devices"
"Thoracic abnormal air collections in patients in the ICU: Radiographic findings correlated to CT"
"Imaging of Diffuse Lung Disease in the Intensive Care Unit Patient"
ICU Videos (20 minutes each):
"ICU imaging primer: Lines, tubes, devices in the thorax" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2019)
"Port CXR: Acute disease" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2019)
This week is about the evaluation of chest trauma and non-cardiac chest pain
"Chest Radiography in Thoracic Polytrauma"
"Multidetector CT of Blunt Thoracic Trauma"
"Imaging of acute lung injury"
"Advances in imaging and management trends of traumatic aortic injuries"
"Imaging of non-cardiac, non-traumatic causes of acute chest pain"
Videos (20 minutes each):
"Acute aortic syndrome" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2020)
"Tracheobronchial and diaphragmatic injuries" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2020)
"Traumatic aortic injury" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2020)
"Injury to the lungs and pleura" (STR Resident Bootcamp 2020)