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Rotation Goals and Objectives
Week 1
- Understand Concept of "Incidental Finding" and ACR guidelines for management of common incidental findings, with attention to the rationale for tailoring CT protocols to optimize imaging of common liver, adrenal and renal incidental findings:
- Familiarize yourself with the contents of the ACR Contrast Policy. Give attention to oral contrast media, administering contrast in the setting of chronic renal insufficiency, end stage renal disease with dialysis, and acute kidney injury (AKI)
- Read the 2 introductory articles on basic technique for performing esophagram and causes of dysphagia:
Week 2
- Read about common causes for esophageal perforation and post operative leaks and imaging options for evaluating for leaks.
- Know indications for Ivor Lewis vs McKEown esophagectcomy and where and why anastomotic leaks can occur.
- Understand rationale and technique for evaluating for leak with CT Esophagrams.
- Know most common contemporary bariatric surgeries (sleeve gastrectomy and Roux and Y) and findings of common complications under fluoroscopy
- Know normal postoperative appearance following gastric fundoplication and appearance of common complications under fluoroscopy.
- Understand core principles of radiation safety in fluoroscopy suite.