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Diagnostic Radiology: Cardiovascular and Thoracic Imaging

Week 1: Anatomy, Physiology and Basics Terminology of the Diseases

1. Read Chapter 3 of Book-1
2. Read introduction and aortic anatomy portion of Paper-1
3. Read Paper-2 (focus on ECG gating for cardiovascular CT and understand the aortic pathologies of the paper)
4. Cardiac physiology:

5. Introduction to cardiovascular terminology:

  • Read Chapter 13 of Book 1 - "Introduction to Terminology" (vascular and cardiac terminology)

6. Basic aortic procedures illustration:

Watch 2 mins NEJM video of abdominal aneurysm repair
Watch 7 mins video on thoracic aortic stent repair

Book-1: "Problem Solving in Chest Imaging"

Paper-1: "Imaging of the aortic root on high-pitch non-gated and ECG-gated CT: awareness is the key!"

Paper-2: "Modern imaging techniques: applications in the management of acute aortic pathologies"

Paper-3: "Cardiac Physiology for Radiologists: Review of Relevant Physiology for Interpretation of Cardiac MR Imaging and CT"

Week 2: Understanding vascular diseases, chamber evaluation on imaging, basics of CMR and CT and basics of congenital heart diseases

1. Complete Paper-1
2. Understand the cardiac views and normal reference values - chapter-4 of Book-1
3. Basics of CMR (Paper-4): Sequences and imaging
4. Patterns on the late gadolinium enhancement (Paper-5)
5. Review the website and do questions till the indications section:

a. "Cardiac MRI: The Basics"

6. Introduction to congenital heart diseases - Paper-6 and pages 3-9 of Book-2
7. Introduction to cardiac procedures for which imaging is performed:

Paper-1: "Imaging of the aortic root on high-pitch non-gated and ECG-gated CT: awareness is the key!"
Paper-4: "Cardiac imaging: Part 1, MR pulse sequences, imaging planes, and basic anatomy"
Paper-5: "A Pattern-based Approach to Assessment of Delayed Enhancement in Nonischemic Cardiomyopathy at MR Imaging"
Paper-6: "Describing Congenital Heart Disease by Using Three-Part Segmental Notation"
Book-1: "Problem Solving in Chest Imaging"
Book-2: "Adult Congenital Heart Disease in Clinical Practice"


Week 3: Advance the knowledge on cardiac and vascular diseases, understand postoperative vascular imaging

1. Post-operative vascular imaging (Paper-7)
2. Imaging of cardiac diseases
a. Ischemia (Chapter-30 of Book-1)
b. Cardiomyopathy (Chapter-31 of Book-1)
3. Cardiac Masses (Paper-8)
4. Imaging of pericardium (Chapter 38 of Book-1)
5. Complete the entire cardiac course from the website:

Paper-7: "Ascending Thoracic Aorta: Postoperative Imaging Evaluation"
Paper-8: "MR Imaging of Cardiac Tumors and Masses: A Review of Methods and Clinical Applications"
Book-1: "Problem Solving in Chest Imaging"