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Music Citation Guide: Books

This guide provides citation information for music students, with music-specific examples that are not readily available through other sources.

APA: Citing Books

Turabian: Citing Books and Book Chapters

Citation Help

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Katie Buehner
Contact: Website
Subjects: Dance, Music, Theatre Arts
Book single author, book with multiple authors (APA 7.02)

Reference List, Print Book, single author -----

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.

Phillips, K. H. (2008). Exploring Research in Music Education & Music Therapy. 
     New York: Oxford University Press.

Reference List, EBook, multiple authors -----

Author, A. A. (Year). Title of work. DOI or URL that will resolve for readers. (Do not include the
     name of the database or platform hosting the ebook, like Google Books or ProQuest).

Cohen, M. Duncan, S.P. (2022). Music-making in U.S. prisons : listening to incarcerated voices.
     Wilfrid Laurier University Press.*

*This ebook does not have a DOI or URL that can be opened by all readers. Therefore, no DOI or URL is included in the citation.

Book with an editor or translator as author (APA 7.02)

Reference List -----

Author, A. A. (Ed.). (Year). Title of work. Location: Publisher.

Harrison, S. D., & O'Bryan, J. (Eds.). (2014). Teaching Singing in the 21st century. 
     New York: Springer.


Chapter or other parts of a book (APA 7.02.25)

Reference List, Print -----

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), 
     Title of book. (pp. xxx-xxx). Publisher.

Cohen, M. L., & Silverman, M. D. (2013). Personal growth through music: Oakdale Prison's
     community choir and community music for homeless populations in New York City.
     In K.K Veblen, S.J. Messenger, M.D. Silverman, & D.J. Elliott, D. J. (Eds.), Community Music Today. 
     (pp. 199-216). Rowman & Littlefield Education.

Reference List, Online -----

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. Editor, B. Editor, & C. Editor (Eds.), 
     Title of book. (pp. xxx-xxx). Publisher. DOI or URL.*

Maler, A. (2016). Musical Expression among Deaf and Hearing Song Signers. In B. Howe,
     S. Jensen-Moulton, N. Lerner, J. Straus (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Music and Disability Studies. 
Oxford University Press.