Author Last Name, Author First Name. "Title of article." Journal Title
Volume (just the number), no. issue (Date of Publication): page range.
Wilson Kimber, Marian. "Reading Shakespeare, Seeing Mendelssohn:
Concert Readings of "A Midsummer Night's Dream", ca. 1850-1920."
Musical Quarterly 89, no. 2/3 (2006): 199-236.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, "Title of article," Journal Title Volume (just the number), no. Issue (Date of Publication): page nos.
5. Author Last Name, "Article Title (can be shortened)," page nos.
1. Marian Wilson Kimber, "Reading Shakespeare, Seeing Mendelssohn:
Concert Readings of "A Midsummer Night's Dream", ca. 1850-1920," Musical Quarterly 89, no. 2/3 (2006): 203.
5. Wilson Kimber, "Reading Shakespeare," 220.
Author Last Name, Author First Name. "Title of article." Magazine Title
Monday, Day, Year.
Betts, Steve, Alan Huckleberry, and Jason Sifford. "9,000 teaching pieces on
YouTube: The University of Iowa Piano Pedagogy Project." Clavier Companion,
November, 2012.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, "Title of article," Magazine Title Month, Day, Year, page nos.
1. Steve Betts, Alan Huckleberry, and Jason Sifford, "9,000 teaching pieces on YouTube:
The University of Iowa Piano Pedagogy Project," Clavier Companion, November, 2012, 23.
None. Newspaper article citations may be omitted from your bibliography.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, brief description of content OR "Title of article," Newspaper Title Month, Day, Year, edition information AND/OR URL.
1. Dee Fabbricatore, "Music Series: UI Orchestra," Daily Iowan, January 26, 2010,
2. Correction, Daily Iowan, March 31, 2014,
Author Last Name, Author First Name. Review of Title of Reviewed Item
(place in either italics or in parentheses based on publication type),
by Author of Reviewed Item. Title of Publication and Publication Information
(format according to the publication type) page nos. OR accession information.
Lucano, Ralph. Review of Lucia da Lammermoor by San Francisco Opera,
Jesus Lopez-Cobos, Beverly Sills, Luciano Pavarotti, Raymond Wolanski,
and Simon Estes. American Record Guide 71, no. 6 (November/December 2008): 239.
1. Author First Name Author Last Name, Review of Title of Reviewed Item (place in either italics or in parentheses based on publication type), by Author of Reviewed Item, Title of Publication and Publication Information (format according to the publication type) page nos. OR accession information.
1. Ralph Lucano, review of Lucia da Lammermoor by San Francisco Opera, Jesus Lopez-Cobos, Beverly Sills, Luciano Pavarotti, Raymond Wolanski, and Simon Estes, American Record Guide 71, no. 6 (November/December 2008): 239.