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Music Citation Guide: Music Scores

This guide provides citation information for music students, with music-specific examples that are not readily available through other sources.

Citation Templates and Examples

Published music scores - instrumental music example (MLA 5.7.5)

  Works Cited List

Composer Last Name, Composer First Name. Title of score. Date of composition.
   Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium [Print or Web].

Handel, G. F. Trio Sonata No. 1. Arranged for 2 alto saxophones by Himie Voxman
   and Richard Hervig. 1733. San Antonio, TX: Southern Music, 1989. Print.

Published music scores - vocal music example (MLA 5.7.5)

  Works Cited List

Composer Last Name, Composer First Name. Title of score. Date of composition.
   Publication location: Publisher, Date of Publication. Medium [Print or Web].

Sullivan, Arthur The Mikado, or, the town of Titipu. 1885. New York: G. Schirmer,
   1950. Print. Vocal Score.