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Nursing Resources: FAQ

Resources for anyone affiliated with the University of Iowa College of Nursing or University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics.

Jennifer DeBerg

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Jennifer DeBerg

How do I access an electronic copy of a journal article?

Select the UI Link button from any library database to determine whether the library has electronic access to the resource.

When the UI link window opens, it will state if full text is available. In most cases, you can then choose the first link that is displayed from the UI Link window in order to connect to the full text. On occasion, it might be necessary to navigate to the correct volume/issue/page # to access the article.

What do I do if I am having issues with accessing electronic resources?

Sometimes, even when you do everything correctly, you still may encounter a problem accessing electronic resources.  Here are some tips:

UI Libraries subscribes to resources based on how many people we anticipate may be simultanously using material. If you receive an error message that indicates that all user seats are occupied, try again later. If the problem continues, please notify us.

If the UI Link button indicates that full text is available but you are not taken directly to it, be aware that sometimes you may be directed to a publisher page that requires you to navigate to the correct volume and issue. If you encounter problems, contact us so we can help troubleshoot. 


How do I obtain a copy of a journal article if it is not electronically available?

You can use the interlibrary loan system to have our staff either scan/send copy of journal that we have in print or to obtain from another library. Either way, materials will be your university email after registering for the system. Using this service is free and unlimited for those affiliated with the University of Iowa (including UIHC). 

Please view more detail about this service on the Hardin Library Interlibrary Loan page.

How do I access electronic resources off-campus?

You need to start at a University of Iowa Libraries web page in order to be validated through the proxy server.

If you are using health sciences resources, start at the Hardin Library page:

Once you select a resource, you will be prompted to authenticate with your hawk id and password. After entering this information, you should gain full access to the resource. If you experience problems with using your hawk id and password, visit:

It is possible that a firewall may obstruct access to resources. If you are continuing to have difficulty with access after following above directions, try this:

  1. Start at Virtual Private Network:
  2. Browse to the Hardin Library page and continue.

How can I find information about health instruments?

Health instruments, which include questionnaries, psychological tests, checklists, interview schedules (and more!), can be located using the following resources, depending on your area of interest. Most of these resources will provide information about development, reliability and validity, use, and adaptations.

Health and Pyschosocial Instruments (HaPI): Large database of citations about health instruments. Search for specific name of instrument or by  topic.

Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL): Literature database covering nursing and allied health. Search by title of instrument or topic. Consider using  following limits: questionnaire/scale or research instrument.

Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests in Print: Contains reviews and information about all English language standardized tests covering educational skills, personality, vocational aptitude, and psychology. Tests in print provide information about test purpose, publisher, in-print status, price, test acronym, intended test population, author(s), administration time, and publication date(s).

Educational Resource Information Center (ERIC): Contains citations from journal and non-journal sources covering education. There are search  terms such as measurement, questionnaire, pain measurement, and surveys, and it also includes the option of searching by a specific test instrument.

PsycINFO: Contains citations covering psychology, linguistics, psychiatry, sociology, and education. Filter available for tests and measures, or search by title of instrument. Platform also contains PyscTESTS, which contains descriptive information about psychological instruments.


How can I obtain full text of an instrument?

Some test instruments are included in books, journal articles, or online rather than published on their own. Unless otherwise noted, all test instruments are copyrighted, and permission should be sought from the copyright-holder (usually the person who developed the test) before they are used.

Published instruments will need to be purchased from the publisher. Rarely will you find a published instrument freely available. Also, you may need to have specific qualifications to administer the instrument.

Unpublished instruments are developed for research purpose and may be published in entirety in a book, disseration, or article. You would need to seek permission from the author before using.

For more information on finding and using instruments, visit the UI Libraries Tests and Measurements Subject Guide


Can I have my paper/manuscript reviewed for APA formatting errors?

There is no formal service at the library to review content for APA formatting. I will offer you my opinion for specific questions that arise after consulting APA resources. I usually advise seeking a knowledgeable colleague/classmate for reviewing entire paper/manuscript.

The University of Iowa Writing Center offers guidance to improve your writing skills and learn to edit your own work. They will provide general advice regarding citation style adherence, but will not focus primarily on locating formatting errors.

Can I have a librarian perform a literature search for me?

If you are faculty or staff affiliated with the University of Iowa, including UIHC, you may request a literature search to be completed for you. A few of the common prompts that we may ask to help us are below. 

  • How comprehensive of a search do you need? If you need a comprehensive search, it is likely best to discuss in person or by phone (and ideally, build the search together).
  • Are you looking for journal information, or are you also interested in web resources, unpublished reports and guidelines, books, etc.?
  • Do you want to apply other limits (English only? Past 10 years? Research?)
  • When do you need it?

Hardin Library does have a web form if you would prefer this method to get started.

How do I obtain print books from off-campus?

You can arrange for delivery of books to your home, if you reside at least 30 miles from campus. Here are directions on how to do this:

1.When you find a book of interest in Infohawk +, sign in at top right side of screen with hawk id and password 

2. Find the Request link under the Find in Library tab

3. In the drop down box for Pick up Location select Office or Remote User Delivery

4. Enter in your complete shipping/street address

5. Select the Request button

6.Once the item is checked out, an email will be sent to you.

7.You will need to pay for postage to return book(s) to UI Libraries, but you should receive a mailing label with your item.