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Katie DeVries: Social Sciences Librarian

Social Sciences Librarian

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Katie DeVries

About Katie

I have a background in qualitative research and assessment and am often involved in research, writing, and creative projects. My research interests include: information literacy, critical pedagogy, public participation and engagement in arts and science, and creative and equitable assessment. Prior to joining the library profession full-time, I engaged in five years of mixed methods, interdisciplinary social science research with a formal background and training in ethnographic practice and interview and survey methodologies.

I am forever compelled by the power of a good question. I believe strongly in protecting intellectual freedom. I feel drawn towards helping people understand and navigate personal privacy implications of digital environments. I am curious about how we can better understand the relationality of the research process, and through knowing, better support researchers throughout their creative and intellectual process.


M.A. Library and Information Science, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa - 2011

B.A. Anthropology, University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa - 2009

A.A. General Studies, Kirkwood Community College, Iowa City, Iowa - 2008


Journal Articles

Zhang, P., Yan, J.L.S., & Hassman, K.D. (2013). The intellectual characteristics of the information field: Evidence from heritages and substances. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (JASIST).

Book Chapters

Hassman K. & Hassman, B. (2018). TOPIC generation and teaching research as inquiry. In M.K. Oberlies & J. Mattson (Eds.), Framing Information Literacy: Teaching Grounded in Theory, Pedagogy, and Practice. (Vol. 1, pp.47-66). ACRL.

Conference Papers

Vamanu, I., Heffner, K, & Hassman, K. (2019). Attuning the information literacy classroom: A theoretical framework for promoting critical thinking in a post-truth era. ALISE, Knoxville, TN, September 25.

Jackson, C.B., Østerlund, C., Mugar, G., Hassman, K.D., & Crowston, C. (2015). Motivations for sustained participation in crowdsourcing: Case studies of citizen science on the role of talk. In HICSS’ 15: Proceedings of the 2015 48th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, HI, January 2-8.

Mugar, G., Østerlund, C., Hassman, K.D., Crowston, K., & Jackson, C.B. (2014) Plant Hunters and Seafloor Explorers: Legitimate peripheral participation through practice proxies in online citizen science. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW), Baltimore, MD, February 15-19.

Østerlund, C., Mugar, G., Jackson, C.B., Hassman, K.D., Crowston, K. (2014). Socializing the crowd: Learning to talk in citizen science. Proceedings of the Academy of Management Meeting, OCIS Division, Philadelphia, PA.


Conference Presentations

Hassman K., Borghi, B., & Kostelecky, C. (2020). Engaging library collections as a path toward lifelong learning. Presentation at Annual Conference on the First Year Experience, Washington, D.C., February 23.

Hassman, K. (2019). Anticipating college readiness. Presentation at ILA/ACRL/IPAL Annual Conferece, Cedar Rapids, IA, May 23.

Hassman, K. & Wirtz, J. (2019). Singing our praises, advocating for our work. Presentation at Iowa Reading Conference, Ames, IA, June 26.

Hassman, K. & Shephard, R. (2018). Mapping teaching librarianship across the state. Presentation at Iowa Reading Conference, Ames, IA, June 26.

Hassman, K. & Grogg, K. (2016) Learning in public: Placing resources and activities into the everyday oaths of students and community members. Presentation at Iowa Library Association’s Association of College & Research Library Conference, Ankeny, IA, May 19.

Conference Posters

Hassman, K. (2016). Is it better to be passive? Critical perspectives on assessing library engagement projects. Poster session at American Library Association Annual Conference, Orlando, FL, June 23-28.

Hassman, K.D. (2014). What does it mean to be open? Conceptualizing open educational resource (OER) access & use. Proceedings of the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) 2014 Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA, January 21-24.

Jackson, C., Østerlund, C., Crowston, K., Mugar, G., & Hassman, K.D. (2014). Motivations for sustained participation in citizen science: Case studies on the role of talk. Proceedings of the 17th ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing, Vancouver, BC, February 15-19.

Yan, J.L.S., Hassman, K.D., & Zhang, P. (2013) Conceptualizations of technology in the information field. Proceedings of the American Society for Information Science and Technology (ASIST) 2013 Annual Meeting, Montreal, Quebec, November 1-6.

Hassman, K.D., Mugar, G., Østerlund, C., & Jackson, C. (2013). Learning at the seafloor, looking at the sky: The relationships between individual tasks and collaborative engagement in two citizen science projects. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Computer Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), Madison, WI, June 15-19.

Hassman, K.D. (2011). A conceptual framework model for information literacy instruction: Pedagogical tool and guided student framework. B Sides Journal, 21.

Conference Workshops

Hassman, K. (2016). Beyond embedding: Learning and engagement in everyday spaces. Workshop presented at The Collective Library Conference, Knoxville, TN, March 2-4.

Santoso, S., Hassman, K.D., Jackson, S., Rosner, D., Erickson, I., Ratto, M. (2014). Researchers as makers: Exploring the role of making in academic research. In iConference 2014 Proceedings, Berlin, Germany, March 4-7.

Guide List