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Gender, Women's, and Sexuality Studies: Home

About this guide

Guide content supports the teaching and research goals of multiple departments on campus. Content represents a non-exhaustive selection of essential resources and tools for engaging a wide range of backgrounds and viewpoints. 


Alexander Street Video

! Women Art Revolution (2011)

An entertaining and revelatory secret history of Feminist Art, !Women Art Revolution deftly illuminates this under-explored movement through conversations, observations, archival footage and works of visionary artists, historians, curators and critics. Starting from its roots in 1960s antiwar and civil rights protests, the film details developments in women s art through the 1970s and explores how the tenacity and courage of these pioneering artists resulted in what is now widely regarded as the most significant art movement of the late 20th century.


On a single cross-searchable platform, users have a completely integrated online repository of Alexander Street Video titles that your institution subscribes to or owns, including VAST: Academic Video Online (a large, multidisciplinary video product with nearly 17,000 videos and continuing to grow), along with individual discipline collections in history, art and architecture, business, counseling and therapy, dance, opera, theatre, musical performance, anthropology, health and rehabilitation, opera, nursing, science, women’s studies, black studies, LGBT studies, and more.

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Katie DeVries

University of Iowa Resources