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Carol Hollier: Sciences Reference and Outreach Librarian: Home


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Carol Hollier
Mon & Thur: B20H MacLean
Tues & Fri: 450 Van Allen

About Carol

Carol is the Sciences Reference and Outreach Librarian for the Sciences Library. She is the liaison to the Department of Physics and Astronomy, the Department of Mathematics, and the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. She is interested in information literacy, complex literature searching, scholarly communications, and open science.

Office Mondays and Thursdays: B20H MacLean.

Office Tuesdays and Fridays: 450 Van Allen.


PGCHE (Postgraduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education), University of Lincoln, UK, 2016.

MLIS, Library and Information Science, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 2008.

BA, History, Reed College,  Portland, Oregon, 1991.

Selected Presentations

“Creating a Web-based Quiz to Support Information Literacy for Food Science Students and the Academic Librarians Who Support Them,” European Information Literacy Conference (ECIL), Krakow, Poland, 10 October 2023.

“Avoiding Pseudoscience while Researching Food and Health,” EBSCO (online), 24 May, 2023.  Featured in NutraIngredients Europe

“Creating Discipline Specific Systematic Review Guidance for Food Science," MLA | SLA ’23,  Detroit, Michigan, 19 May 2023.

“Information and Information Challenges,” with Zevallos, V. and Mavrommatis, Y., The Nutrition Society (online), 12 October 2022.

“Nutritional Science Collection,” Nutrition Futures Conference, Coventry University, Coventry, UK, 7 September 2022. 

“Complex Searching on FSTA,” USAIN [United States Agricultural Information Network] 2022: Crafting and Evaluating Complex Searches for Evidence Synthesis (online workshop), 8 April 2022.

“Library Journal Sponsored Webinar: Building Confidence: Is Your Food Information Research Authoritative?” EBSCO’s Inspired Webinar Series, 21 April 2021.

“Trustworthy Scientific Food Information,” British Section of the Institute of Food Technologists (online), 18 November 2020.

“Best Practice for Effective Searching for Literature Reviews,” Research Information (online), 21 November 2019.

“Best Practice for Literature Search in the Sciences of Food and Health,” CIFST [Chinese Institute of Food Science and Technology] Conference, Wuhan, China, 12 November 2019. 

“Critical Approaches to Sourcing Information on the Web and Fake News,” This Is Not A Fake Conference! London South Bank University, 5 June 2018.

“Reading Well: Exploring the New Leisure Reading Collection,” with Baker, C. and Cooper, L., University of Nottingham Medical School, 21 March 2018.

“Digital Literacy,” #UoNSMart Conference, University of Nottingham, 14 June 2017.

“A Quadruple Collaboration:  Students, Librarians, Academics and Industry Creating a Peer  to Peer Support Initiative,” with Coombs, J., Librarian’s Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), Sheffield Hallam University, 23 April 2014.

“Developing a Peer to Peer Library Support Scheme,” with Coombs, J., Libraries and Student Engagement: A marriage made in Heaven? Conference, Birmingham City University, 6 December 2013.

“Is the Digital Library our Future,” with Cullen, S., National Acquisitions Group Conference, York, 4 September 2013. 

“Learning Resource Leaders,” Student Peer Mentoring Symposium, University of Nottingham, 2 May 2013.

“Extending the Academic Library: Social Responsibility, Information Literacy and Schools,” Librarian’s Information Literacy Annual Conference (LILAC), University of  Manchester, 26 March 2013.

“Sustainability challenge: starter for ten 2 university libraries, 1 corporate sponsor and student ambassadors,” with Franklin, G., National HESTEM Programme Conference, University of Birmingham, 5 September 2012. 

“Engaging the disengaged – indefinitely: Creating a sustainable model for Student library ambassadors” with Gadd, E., Tran, N. and Tarawally, U., Curriculum enhancement and innovation – a showcase of National HE STEM Programme activity, Loughborough University, 11 June 2012.

“Appraisal,” Guest talk in module on “Archival Appraisal” (LIS 61095), Kent State University, February 23, 2009.


Good review practice: a researcher guide to systematic review methodology in the sciences of food and health with Kalantar, M. (October 2022). IFIS Publishing.  Available at:

Nutritional Science Database User Guide (September 2022).  IFIS Publishing.  Available at:

The Industry Researcher’s Guide to Effective Literature Searching (May 2021).  IFIS Publishing.  Available at:

Best Practice for Literature Searching (September 2020).  IFIS Publishing.  Available at:  For Chinese, Italian, Korean, Persian, Portuguese, and Spanish translations, see:

Review: The No-nonsense Guide to Research Support and Scholarly Communication by Claire Sewell. (July 2020) SLA Europe.  Available at:

“Developing a peer to peer library support scheme” with Coombs, J. (January 2014) ALISS Quarterly 9 (2), 9-11.

“Is the Digital Library our Future?” with Cullen, S. (Winter 2013/14) Taking Stock: Journal of the National Acquisitions Group 22(2), 8-9.

“Engaging the disengaged indefinitely, and with no budget: creating a sustainable model for student library ambassadors” with Clifford, M., Gadd, E., Coombs, J., Franklin, G. et. al.  (2012) 4th International Symposium for Engineering Education, 2012, The University of Sheffield, July 2012. Available at:

Research Skills Blog, IFIS Publishing: 

My Guides