Use these tools to find scientific literature. Different tools cover different types of research outputs like books, articles, pre-print articles (that haven't been peer-reviewed yet), or conference proceedings. Databases and catalogs often include overlapping content, but each will also have unique content.
If you are off campus and the link to an article does not work, try pasting the link into the proxy generator below to get an enhanced link which should work from anywhere.
If you find a record for an article or book but it doesn't have a full text link, you ask the libraries to get it from a different library for you using interlibrary loan.
You can use UI Link in Google Scholar! UI Link will help you find full-text PDFs for articles in UI's databases, or connect you with Inter-Library Loan, so you never have to pay for an article. Here's how:
1. Click on "Settings" near the top of the page.
2. Select "Library Links" from the left-side menu of the Settings page:
3. Search for the University of Iowa and select it from the list of libraries that comes up. (You can choose up to 5 libraries!)
4. Save your settings!
5. Now, when you search Google Scholar, "ViewIt@UILink" will appear next to articles that University databases have access to. Click the link and follow the prompts to your article.