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Japanese Collection: Finding Books

The guide provides resources to assist your research on Japanese Studies

InfoHawk+ catalog search

Finding books in InfoHawk+ (video)

This video shows how to use simple search and filters to find books in InfoHawk+.

Union Catalogs

OCLC WorldCat 

  • OCLC WorldCat is the world's largest network of library content and services with bibliographic records created by OCLC member institutions from all over the world. Waseda University and Keio Universty are OCLC members. It also includes holding information of the National Diet Library.
  • You can search WorldCat in Japanese lanaguge. You do not have to worry about Chinese character variants when searching WorldCat in Japanese. Click on 日本語 at the top of the screen or bottom of the search screen to enable the Japanese data display.


CiNii Books

  • CiNii Books is a union catalog of Japanese university libraries and research institutions maintained by the National Institute of Informatics.


  • WebcatPlus provides the bibliographic information to the publications from Edo to the present. Includes information from Japanese research libraries, the National Diet Libraries, and other services including Aozora Bunko,, Wikipedia, etc.
  • Two search modes are available: 一致検索 and 連想検索.
  • WebcatPlus now offers links to digitized materials in NDL's Digital Libray from Meiji Era. 

総合目録ネットワークシステム (国会図書館) 

  • This union catalog consists of bibliographic databases of the National Diet Library, some prefectural libraries, and some public libraries in government-designated cities. Check S

Library OPACs

Searching Book Chapters


Also try Keyword search in your library's OPAC, and OCLC WorldCat in addition to Title keyword search.

National Institute of Japanese Literature 国文学研究資料館

National Institute of Japanese Literature 国文学研究資料館

 For books published in Japan in the pre-modern period there are two essential bibliographies: Kokusho somokuroku 国書総目録 and Kotenseki sogo mokuroku 古典籍総合目録. These are available online at this site. 

Books in Print

Nihon shoseki somokuroku 日本書籍総目録 is Books in Print for Japanese books (and many western language books) published in Japan; a print version of this annual is also available in the Acquisitions Dept.

Shuppan nenkan 出版年鑑

Published annually. It is classified by broad subject. EA-5 Z3303 .S5 

Book page = Hon no nenkan ブックページ : 本の年鑑 

Published annually. Difference from the two sources above is that this titlet contains detailed descriptions of book contents. EA Ref. Z3303 .S5 

Out of print titles

Book Town じんぼう 古書データベース  「本の街」神田神保町オフィシャルサイト

Searchable database maintained by an association of used book dealer in the Kanda/Jinbocho area of Tokyo.

Antiquarian Booksellers of Japan 日本の古本

Searchable database for a national association of used book dealers.