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EndNote for Sciences

EndNote Basic reference import steps

Most databases do not have automatic transfer of references from the database to EndNote Basic.  For those that do not, the file generated from the database will need to be manually imported into EndNote Web.  To do this, go to Collect, then Import References.  



Next choose the downloaded file and select the correct import option.  The first time you import a file from a database that does not have automatic importing, you will need to add the correct import option to your favorites list.  Do this by opening Select Favorites and locating the correct import option in the alphabetical list. 




References found in arXiv can be exported to EndNote by following these steps.

  1. Run search in arXiv.
  2. Open the full record of the item to be exported by clicking on arXiv identifier.  



  4. On the full record page, select NASA ADS under References & Citations



  6. ADS will open.  Select Export Citation.



  8. Under Select Export File, select EndNote.  Then select Download to File.
  9. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  10. Next chose the file you created, set import option to EndNote Import and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  11. Select Import. 

Academic Search Elite (EBSCO)

To export references from Academic Search Elite to EndNote:


  1. Run a search in Academic Search Elite.
  2. Add each reference to be exported to your folder by clicking on the folder to the right of the reference. 
  3. When all the needed references have been added, open the folder icon found at the top right of the search screen. 


  4. From the opened folder screen, select references to be exported.  Click on Export on the righthand side of the screen. 
  5. Select Direct Export to EndNote Web.
  6. On the lefthand side of the screen, select Save.  
  7. Refresh EndNote Basic.  The newly imported references will automatically appear in the Unfiled folder.  

Biological Abstracts

Run a search then:

  1. Select the references to be exported by ticking the checkbox next to each (or tick the All box). 
  2. Open Export on the left side of menu bar above the results.  



  4. For format, choose EndNote.
  5. Choose which record fields to include for the export.
  6. Click Export.
  7. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  8. Next chose the file you created, set import option to Biological Abs (OvidSP) and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  9. Select Import. 

BIOSIS Citation Index

Run a search then:

  1. Select desired references.
  2. In the Export pulldown menu select EndNote online.
  3. Chose which content to export for the records (ranging from Author, Title, Source, to Full Record plus Cited References).
  4. Refresh EndNote Basic.  The newly imported references will automatically appear in the Unfiled folder.  

Google Scholar

To export a single reference from Google Scholar to EndNote, follow these steps:

  1. Click on ”Cite beneath the record you wish to export.   A box will pop up with the reference in it.
  2. Select EndNote from the options at the bottom of the box.
  3. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  4. Next chose the file you created, set import option to EndNote Import and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  5. Select Import. 

To export multiple references from Google Scholar:

  1. Log into your Google Scholar account.
  2. Click on the star under each reference that you want to export to add it to your library.
  3. Select My Library at the top of the Google Scholar page.
  4. Click on Export all, and select EndNote.
  5. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  6. Next chose the file you created, set import option to EndNote Import and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  7. Select Import. 


NOTE:  When possible, use a database other than Google Scholar to send references to EndNote. Database records are often more complete and will result in better formatting.


  1. After running a search, use checkboxes on the left of citations to select  which to export.
  2. Select the options menu at top right side of page.



  4. Select Export Web option and select Download.
  5. Refresh EndNote Basic.  The newly imported references will automatically appear in the Unfiled folder.  


After running a search in the database:

  1. Click on the Export button under the search bar.  This will cause check boxes to appear next to each result.  
  2. Check the boxes next to the results that you want to export, or check the Select All box. 
  3. Select EndNote from the dropdown menu next to Get Citations, then click on Get Citations.    



  5. Select Copy to copy the reference material to clipboard.



  7. Paste the reference text into notepad, and save the file as a .txt file.
  8. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  9. Next chose the .txt file you created, set import option to EndNote Import, and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  10. Select Import. 


Run a search then:

  1. Select the references to be exported by ticking the checkbox next to each (or tick the All box). 
  2. Open Export on the left side of menu bar above the results.  



  4. For format, choose EndNote.
  5. Choose which record fields to include for the export.
  6. Click Export.
  7. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  8. Next chose the file you created, set import option to MEDLINE (OvidSP) and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  9. Select Import. 


Run a search then:

  1. Select desired references by checking the boxes next to each. 
  2. Open the Export pulldown menu and select in EndNote.
  3. In the box that pops up, select Download to File. 



  5. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  6. Next chose the file you created, set import option to EndNote Import and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  7. Select Import. 


  1. After running a search, use the boxes the left of the citations you wish to move into EndNote or do not check any if you wish to export a whole page of results or all the results.
  2. Click the Send to button under the search box.
  3. Select Citation manager. In the Selection dropdown menu, you may choose to download your selections, all the results on the page, or all the results.



  5. Click the Create file button.
  6. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  7. Next chose the .txt file you created, set import option to PubMed (NLM) and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  8. Select Import. 

ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global

Run a search then:

  1. Select the references to be exported.
  2. Open All save & export options (under the three dots icon).



  4. Select EndNote,
  5. In the popup box check that for Output to RIS (works with EndNote, Citavi, Mendeley etc.) is selected.
  6. Click Continue.
  7. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  8. Next chose the file you created, set import option to ProQuestand choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  9. Select Import. 


Run a search then:

  1. Select the references to export.
  2. Open Export (above the search results).
  3. Select Export citation to RIS.
  4. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  5. Next chose the file you created, set import option to ScienceDirect and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  6. Select Import. 


Run a search, then:

  1. Select each of the references you wish to export.
  2. Click on the download icon  .
  3. Select Tagged (.txt) under File Type and click Download.



  5. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  6. Next chose the .txt file you created, set import option to SciFinder (CAS) and choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  7. Select Import. 


Run search, then:

  1. Select the references to export. 
  2. Open the Export menu and select RIS.
  3. Choose which information categories to include for the references to be exported, then click Export
  4. In EndNote Basic, choose Collect, then Import References
  5. Next chose the file you created, set import option to Scopusand choose the references destination within your EndNote Basic account.   
  6. Select Import. 

Web of Science

Run a search then:

  1. Select desired references.
  2. In the Export pulldown menu select EndNote online.
  3. Chose which content to export for the records (ranging from Author, Title, Source, to Full Record plus Cited References).
  4. Refresh EndNote Basic.  The newly imported references will automatically appear in the Unfiled folder.  

Zoological Record

Run a search then:

  1. Select desired references.
  2. In the Export pulldown menu select EndNote online.
  3. Chose which content to export for the records (ranging from Author, Title, Source, to Full Record plus Cited References).
  4. Refresh EndNote Basic.  The newly imported references will automatically appear in the Unfiled folder.