Jenay is an Undergraduate Engagement Librarian at the University of Iowa Libraries. As a member of the Undergraduate Engagement team, she supports students with their research and information needs providing outreach services both academic and non-academic to ensure their success in and outside the library. Jenay works with TRIO and ESL programs and Rhetoric. Her professional interests are critical library instruction and practices, diversity within libraries, and student learning with open educational resources.
Master of Library Science, School of Library and Information Management, Emporia State University, 2015
BA, English (Minors/Concentrations: Native American Studies, Women's & Gender Studies), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2013
Book chapters
Crumpton, Breanne, Alva Jones, Michelle Mitchell, and Jenay Solomon. "Advocating for Diversity: Collecting Comics to Reflect Our Students," in Comics and Critical Librarianship: Reframing the Narrative in Academic Libraries, edited by Olivia Piepmeier and Stephanie Grimm. Library Juice Press, 2019.
Duffus, Orolando and Jenay Solomon. “The Diversity and Global Engagement Exposition: Creating a Student-Centered Outreach Initiative at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro University Libraries,” in Improving Library Services in Support of International Students and English As a Second Language (ESL) Learners, edited by Leila June Rod-Welch. Association of College & Research Libraries, 2019.