Our names are Cathy Cranston and Jenay Dougherty. We are both librarians at the UI Libraries. Cathy and Jenay are Undergraduate Engagement Librarians at the Main Library. We're happy to answer any and all questions you have about research and the Libraries. Our emails and contact information are on this guide.
Laurie Neuerburg is a Science Librarian and she'd be happy to help with any questions you have about resources for your Science research assignments.
InfoHawk+ searches our physical materials (books, DVDs, etc.). It's the tool you need to use to find a book on the shelf, or an e-book online. Books are only part of what it can find.
It will also search a wide range of electronic resources, including Iowa Research Online, selected major databases in a diverse set of academic disciplines, and items unique to the UI Libraries like those in our Iowa Digital Collections.
Your friendly University of Iowa Librarians created these tutorials to help you learn how to use InfoHawk+ like a pro. If you have any questions, please ask a librarian.
Go to lib.uiowa.edu/research/consultations/
Go to lib.uiowa.edu/seam/ to schedule an appointment online.