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Therapeutic Recreation Program Design by Norma J. Stumbo; Carol Ann PetersonTherapeutic Recreation Program Design uses the most up-to-date information and powerful study tools to help readers learn how to synthesize different elements of therapeutic recreation into one cohesive program. The Fifth Edition features an improved organization that guides students through the theory and practice of therapeutic recreation programming in a way that fully prepares them to work effectively in the industry. Conceptual Foundations: The Basis for Service Development and Delivery, The Leisure Ability Model, Therapeutic Recreation Services: Important Considerations, Therapeutic Recreation Accountability Model, Comprehensive Program Design, Specific Program Design, Activity Analysis, Activity Selection and Implementation, Treatment and Diagnostic Protocols, Client Assessment, Client Documentation, Program and Client Evaluation, Professionalism and Accountability: Challenges for the Future. Intended for those interested in learning the basics of therapeutic recreation program design.
ISBN: 9780321541888
Publication Date: 2008-02-21
The Palgrave Handbook of Leisure Theory by Karl Spracklen (Editor); Brett Lashua (Editor); Erin Sharpe (Editor); Spencer Swain (Editor)This is the first handbook devoted entirely to leisure theory, charting the history and philosophy of leisure, theories in religion and culture, and rational theories of leisure in the Western philosophical tradition, as well as a range of socio-cultural theories from thinkers such as Adorno, Bauman, Weber and Marx. Drawing on contributions from experts in leisure studies from around the world, the four sections cover: traditional theories of leisure; rational theories of leisure; structural theories of leisure; and post-structural theories of leisure. The Palgrave Handbook of Leisure Theory is essential reading for students and scholars working in leisure studies, social theory as well as those working on the problem of leisure in the wider humanities and social sciences.
Handbook of Medical Play Therapy and Child Life by Lawrence C. Rubin (Editor)The Handbook of Medical Play Therapy and Child Life brings together the voices and clinical experiences of dedicated clinical practitioners in the fields of play therapy and child life. This volume offers fresh insights and up to date research in the use of play with children, adolescents, and families in medical and healthcare settings. Chapters take a strength-based approach to clinical interventions across a wide range of health-related issues, including autism, trauma, routine medical care, pending surgeries both large and small, injury, immune deficiency, and more. Through its focus on the resiliency of the child, the power of play, and creative approaches to healing, this handbook makes visible the growing overlap and collaboration between the disciplines of play therapy and child life. 
ISBN: 9781315527826
Publication Date: 2017-12-12
Play Therapy with Vulnerable Populations by Eric J. Green; Terry Kottman; et al.Play Therapy with Vulnerable Populations: No Child Forgotten provides the latest research-supported, play-based interventions for clinicians to utilize with these children. This book encourages the reader through real-world application case studies to honor the significance of the therapeutic relationship and balance humanism and therapeutic warmth with evidence-based practices.
ISBN: 1442232536
Publication Date: 2014-12-11
Play Therapy by David A. Crenshaw (Editor); Stuart Brown (Foreword by); Kathleen McKinney Clark; Anne L. Stewart (Editor)This authoritative work brings together leading play therapists to describe state-of-the-art clinical approaches and applications. The book explains major theoretical frameworks and summarizes the contemporary play therapy research base, including compelling findings from neuroscience. Contributors present effective strategies for treating children struggling with such problems as trauma, maltreatment, attachment difficulties, bullying, rage, grief, and autism spectrum disorder. Practice principles are brought to life in vivid case illustrations throughout the volume. Special topics include treatment of military families and play therapy interventions for adolescents and adults.
ISBN: 9781462517640
Publication Date: 2014-09-12
Adventure Therapy by Michael A. Gass; H. L. "Lee" Gillis; Keith C. RussellThe evolution and history of adventure therapy, as chronicled in the second chapter of this book, well demonstrates how far this field has evolved from a "divergent therapy" into an efficacious form of therapy that engages clients on cognitive, affective, and behavioral levels. Adventure Therapy is written by three professionals who have been at the forefront of the field since its infancy. The theory, techniques, research, and case studies they present are the cutting edge of this field. The authors focus on: *nbsp;the theory substantiating adventure therapy *nbsp;illustrations that exemplify best practices *nbsp;the research validating the immediate as well as long-term effects of adventure therapy, when properly conducted. This book is the leading academic text, professional reference, and training resource for adventure therapy practices in the field of mental health. It is appropriate for a wide range of audiences, including beginner and experienced therapists, as well as graduate students.
Provides access to bibliographic information in Medline and other sources. (See the available Help Sheet). For full functionality, log in to your MyNCBI account..
[Help Sheet for Search CINAHL - PDF] CINAHL Plus provides indexing for 3,024 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing back to 1937. CINAHL Plus also contains searchable cited references for more than 1,160 journals. Full text material includes more than 80 journals plus legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments and clinical trials. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. NB: 20 concurrent user limit
The APA PsycINFO database from the American Psychological Association (APA) covers the professional and academic literature in psychology and related disciplines including medicine, psychiatry, nursing, sociology, education, pharmacology, physiology, linguistics, and other areas. PsycINFO's peer-reviewed coverage is worldwide, and includes references and abstracts to 2,400 journals in more than 30 languages, and book chapters and books in the English language. Coverage spans 1600s – present and includes over 5 million peer-reviewed records.
Due to higher security needed, EMBASE now requires a login for all exports.
Help Searching Embase A biomedical and pharmaceutical database contains bibliographic records with abstracts from EMBASE (1974-present) and Medline (1966-present) deduplicated and searchable with EMTREE. (See the available Help Sheet)
The Cochrane Library contains high-quality, independent evidence to inform healthcare decision-making. It includes reliable evidence from Cochrane and other systematic reviews, clinical trials, and more. Cochrane reviews bring you the combined results of the world's best medical research studies, and are recognised as the gold standard in evidence-based healthcare.