EmbaseThis link opens in a new windowDue to higher security needed, EMBASE now requires a login for all exports.
Help Searching Embase A biomedical and pharmaceutical database contains bibliographic records with abstracts from EMBASE (1974-present) and Medline (1966-present) deduplicated and searchable with EMTREE. (See the available Help Sheet)
ScopusThis link opens in a new window[Help Searching Scopus]Scopus is the largest abstract and citation database of peer-reviewed literature: scientific journals, books and conference proceedings. Delivering a comprehensive overview of the world's research output in the fields of science, technology, medicine, social sciences, and arts and humanities, Scopus features smart tools to track, analyze and visualize research.
CINAHLThis link opens in a new windowRECOMMEND USING CHROME
[Help Sheet for Search CINAHL - PDF] CINAHL Plus provides indexing for 3,024 journals from the fields of nursing and allied health, with indexing back to 1937. CINAHL Plus also contains searchable cited references for more than 1,160 journals. Full text material includes more than 80 journals plus legal cases, clinical innovations, critical paths, drug records, research instruments and clinical trials. Offering complete coverage of English-language nursing journals and publications from the National League for Nursing and the American Nurses' Association, CINAHL covers nursing, biomedicine, health sciences librarianship, alternative complementary medicine, consumer health and 17 allied health disciplines. NB: 20 concurrent user limit
Web of ScienceThis link opens in a new window[Help Searching Web of Science]A citation reference that includes Science Citation Index (1900-present), Social Science Citation Index (1900-present), Arts & Humanities Citation Index (1975-present), Book Citation Index- Science (2005-present), Book Citation Index- Social Sciences & Humanities (2005-present), and Medline, and links to Journal Citation Reports and EndNote web version. If you experience trouble connecting to WoS from off-campus, try clearing your cache or changing browsers. Firefox seems to be best for this.
Gale Interactive: Human AnatomyThis link opens in a new windowGale Interactive: Human Anatomy provides 3D, interactive views of more than 4300 structures and 13,500 identifiable landmarks in the human body. Does not currently work with Internet Explorer; please use Chrome or Firefox. Does not currently work on mobile devices
Google ScholarThis link opens in a new windowClick on the "ViewIt@UILink" in your results list for UILink services including full text (when available), links to the InfoHawk+ Catalog, Interlibrary Loan requests and more. [TO USE THIS OPTION FROM OFF-CAMPUS: Additional information about Google Scholar]
Health and Psychosocial Instruments (HAPI)This link opens in a new windowProvides ready access to information on measurement instruments (i.e., questionnaires, interview schedules, checklists, index measures, coding schemes/manuals, rating scales, projective techniques, vignettes/scenarios, and tests) in the health fields, psychosocial sciences, organizational behavior, and library and information science.
MedlinePlusThis link opens in a new windowMedlinePlus is the National Library of Medicine’s comprehensive information source, designed for the general public. It provides patient and consumer health information about diseases, conditions, and wellness issues in both English and Spanish. It includes videos of common procedures, a directory of health organizations, a medical encyclopedia, and a guide to drugs and supplements.
Sports Medicine & Education Index (PREVIOUS TITLE: Physical Education Index)This link opens in a new windowThese abstracts feature content ranging from physical education curricula, to sports medicine, to dance. Other coverage includes sport law, kinesiology, motor learning, recreation, standardized fitness tests, sports equipment, business and marketing, coaching and training, and sport sociology/psychology. Health education and physical therapy are also covered.
SPORTDiscusThis link opens in a new windowSPORTDiscus offers comprehensive, bibliographic coverage of sport, fitness and related disciplines. This database contains over 650,000 records with journal and monograph coverage going back to 1800. The content also consists of multi-disciplinary, international references from journal and magazine articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings and more. SPORTDiscus is provided by the Sport Information Resource Centre.
Sports Business Research NetworkThis link opens in a new windowA continuously updated source of full text articles providing news and market research information from sports industry sources. Includes international sporting goods equipment market reports for 35 countries, export and import statistics, trade magazine and newsletter pages dealing with finance, licensing, fashion, women's and youth sports, marketing, sponsorship, research reports, sports broadcasting, ratings and more.