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American National Election Studies (ANES), 1948+"Oldest continuous series of survey data investigating electoral behavior and attitudes in the United States (since 1948). ANES interviews are conducted before and after presidential elections and after midterm Congressional elections (1958-2002). Post-election interviews include questions on actual voting behavior. Click on "Data Center" at the top of the page to download the datasets for the various waves. Click on "Utilities" to browse/search lists of questions and variables. For quick online exploration use Berkeley's SDA service; for trend tables, like party ID by various demographics, see the ANES Guide to Public Opinion and Electoral Behavior" - Princeton University Library
Cross-National Time-Series Data Archive (CNTS)This link opens in a new windowContains social and economic indicators. Provides access to the database of over 250 countries, over 200 series and data beginning in the year 1815 and continuing to the present. Searchable by keyword, or by browsing variables. Includes LINKS: An optional file with links to the sources for each Domestic Conflict Event, beginning with 2011 data for: General Strikes, Purges, Government Crises, Riots, Assassinations, Anti-Government Demonstrations, Guerilla Warfare and Revolutions.
" free* and open to all researchers worldwide to share, cite, reuse and archive research data."
ICPSRThe University of Iowa maintains membership in the Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR), which is operated by the University of Michigan. This membership enables members of the University community to obtain a vast array of data for secondary data analysis regarding economic, education, health, international, legal, legislative, political, and other areas of social research."
iPoll databankThis link opens in a new windowUsers that have an email address with the extension @uiowa.edu can self-register by visiting: https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/ipoll/login although registration is no longer necessary to search or download when connected to the campus network. Once users enter their email address, they should receive an activation email with a link to complete registration IPoll is a comprehensive, up-to-date source for US nationwide public opinion. A full-text retrieval system, the iPoll online database is organized at the question level, providing the tools to sift through nearly a half million questions asked on national public opinion surveys, 1935 to present. Surveys archived in the Roper Catalog were originally gathered by academic, commercial and media survey organizations such as Gallup Organization, Harris Interactive, Pew Research Associates, and many more.
ParlGov"ParlGov is a new data infrastructure for political science. It contains data on elections and governments for all EU and most OECD members from 1945 until today. The database combines approximately 1400 parties, 640 elections (5500 results), and 890 governments (2100 cabinet parties)."
PolicyMapThis link opens in a new windowPolicyMap is a fully web-based online data and mapping application that gives you access to over 15,000 indicators related to demographics, housing, crime, mortgages, health, jobs and more. Data is available at all common geographies (address, block group, census tract, zip code, county, city, state, MSA) as well as unique geographies like school districts and political boundaries. Data comes from both public and proprietary sources. Many of the public files are available for download for free
PRRI’s public opinion research explores and illuminates America’s changing cultural, religious, and political landscape.
SimplyAnalyticsThis link opens in a new window(USE your UI email address as username)
SimplyMap is a web-based mapping application that lets users quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States
Social ExplorerSocial Explorer is an online research tool designed to provide quick and easy access to historical census data and demographic information. It creates fast, intuitive, and appealing maps and reports to help users visually analyze and understand demography and social change throughout history. The site currently includes the entire US Census history from 1790 to 2000, all annual updates from the American Community Survey, and the Religious Congregations and Membership Study from 1980 to 2000.
UN ComtradeUN Comtrade is a repository of annual international trade statistics and relevant analytical tables provided by over 200 countries, detailed by commodity and partner country to the United Nations. All values are converted in US dollars and metric units; the statistics coverage dates as far back as 1962.
WDI OnlineThis link opens in a new windowStatistical data for over 550 development indicators, and 1960-2000 time series data for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. Restricted to UI Community.