This section of the resource guide provides information about sources from beyond the Iowa Women's Archives. You can use the links below to navigate.
Articles & Book Chapters
Fehn, Bruce. “Race for Justice: The Terry Lee Sims Rape Case in Sioux City, 1949-1952.” Annals of Iowa 64, no. 4 (October 2005): 311–39.
Green, John C., Lyman A. Kellstedt, and Donald P. Racheter. “Iowa: Crucible of the Christian Right.” In The Christian Right in American Politics, edited by John C. Green, Mark J. Rozell, and Clyde Wilcox. Washington, D.C.: Georgetown University Press, 2003.
Dissertations & Theses
Other Resources
In addition to the Iowa Women's Archives collections listed in this guide, the University of Iowa's University Archives and Special Collections repositories also hold many fascinating materials related to the history of women in politics.
University of Iowa Archives. Barceló, Nancy V. “Rusty” (1946-). Papers, 1946-2005. 5 linear feet. Longtime university administrator working on affirmative action initiatives; co-founder of the Chicano Indian-American Student Union at the University of Iowa and the first Mexican-American to earn a PhD at UI.
University of Iowa Archives. Focht, Helen E. (1901-2001). Papers, 1917-1983. 3 linear inches. Assistant to Dean of Women whose correspondence documents her concern for the status of women students at the University of Iowa.
University of Iowa Archives. Scott, M. Gladys (1905-1990). Papers, 1920-1988. 6 linear inches. Professor and head of women's physical education established the first women's intercollegiate athletic program at the University of Iowa in 1973 and hired Christine Grant as its first athletic director. Small collection of clippings, photographs, and correspondence, as well as an oral history.
University of Iowa Archives. Associated Women Students. Records, 1924-1970. University of Iowa Archives. 2 linear feet. National organization of collegiate women. Collection includes materials related to women's support for the war effort in the 1940s and to the women's judiciary board that handled certain forms of conduct violations for women students.
University of Iowa Archives. New Wave Party. Records, 1980-1992. 10 linear feet. Progressive student organization that collaborated with feminist organizations, including RVAP and the Women’s Caucus, and that supported actions against anti-abortion organizing in Iowa City.
University of Iowa Archives. Office of Equal Opportunity & Diversity. Records, 1970 –2010. 6 linear feet. Collection documents University efforts to combat discrimination and promote full inclusion of groups historically underrepresented at the University, including LGBTQ+ communities, people of color, and women. Includes material on topics such as sexual harassment and assault and benefits for same-sex partners of University staff.
University of Iowa Archives. Women’s Resource & Action Center. Records, 1974-2005. 9 linear inches. Women’s Center at the University of Iowa which provided space for community meetings and events, a library, and referrals to social services. See also Iowa Women’s Archives’ collection of WRAC records.
Special Collections & Archives. Trowbridge, Delbert (1903-1973). Papers, 1969-1973. 5 linear feet. Iowa legislator, 1971-1973, serving parts of Floyd, Mitchell, and Cerro Gordo counties; collection contains significant constituent correspondence on abortion.
Special Collections & Archives. Willits, Earl M. (1946-1990). Papers, 1970-1979. 3 linear feet. Iowa legislator, 1971-1979, serving Polk county; collection contains extensive constituent correspondence on abortion.
The following resource guides related to women's legal and political history are maintained by the University of Iowa Libraries and are not focused on archival collections. For a list of related guides maintained by the Iowa Women's Archives and focused on archival materials, please visit the home page of this guide.