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Women, Politics, and the Law: An Iowa Women's Archives Resource Guide: Home


Women, Politics, and the Law: An Iowa Women's Archives Resource Guide

a group of women of various skin tones, all wearing white, lined up on a walkway holding banners

Women waiting to march for the Equal Rights Amendment, Washington, D.C., 1978.

National Organization for Women, Dubuque records.


Welcome to the home page for the Iowa Women's Archives (IWA) resource guide for Women, Politics, & the Law. General information about this guide and the IWA follows. The guide is arranged into the following sections, which you can navigate to using the links below:

Elected & Public Officials

Political Organizations

Activists & Organizers

Women & the Law

Other Sources


About the Iowa Women's Archives

Mary Louise-Smith and Louise Noun, Des Moines, 1996.

The Louise Noun – Mary Louise Smith Iowa Women’s Archives is named for its founders, who established the archives in 1992 as a repository dedicated to collecting the history of Iowa women. The Archives fulfills its mission by collecting and making available primary sources about the historical experience of Iowa women throughout the state and beyond its borders from the nineteenth century to the present, reflecting the diversity of Iowa women across race, class, ethnicity, and gender identity.  It undertakes a robust outreach program to gather and preserve the history of groups underrepresented in archives. Some of our collection strengths include materials relating to rural and farm women, women in politics, LGBTQ individuals, African American women, Latinas, and Jewish women.

About this Guide: Women, Politics & the Law

This guide brings together the collections in the Iowa Women’s Archives (IWA) that contribute to our understanding of women's participation in politics. The descriptions for each collection provide a brief overview of the individual or organization and the materials the collection contains, as well as a link to the more detailed collection descriptions (finding aids) in ArchivesSpace. 

At the IWA, we understand politics to encompass many different forms of individual and group action that attempt to effect change in a community, institution, or area. Our conception of political activity includes (but is not limited to): electioneering and voter education, issue-based advocacy and education campaigns, impact litigation, labor organizing, public history projects and memory work, group formation and community organizing, resource provision and mutual aid, public protest and direct action, polemical writing and publishing, scholarly research, and artistic practice. This guide describes the IWA collections that are most representative of this intentionally expansive definition of politics, but is not (and cannot be) an exhaustive accounting of the political behavior of the women whose lives are documented in the IWA's holdings.

We also recognize that community efforts to survive and thrive, particularly in the face of hostility or oppression, are necessarily political. Given that, we invite those who are interested in the history of political activism to consider as sources the family and personal papers of individuals from communities that have experienced discrimination, disenfranchisement, dispossession, and/or disempowerment in Iowa and the United States. We recommend perusing the following collection guides organized around community identities for more details. Please note that these groupings are not mutually exclusive and individual subjects may appear on multiple lists.

Community and Identity-Based Collections Guides

See also: the Autobiographical Resources: Diaries, Memoirs & Oral Histories resource guide; though organized by format, not community or identity category, this guide gives a good overview of IWA collections featuring first-person, individual stories

Guide Authorship

The content of the LibGuide was assembled and created by Women in Politics Archivist Kate Orazem in 2023.


Contact Information for the Iowa Women's Archives

The Iowa Women’s Archives is located on the third floor of the Main Library of the University of Iowa.

Open to Researchers: 

Tuesday-Friday, 9:00-12:00 and 1:00-4:00

Mailing Address:

Iowa Women’s Archives

100 Main Library

University of Iowa Libraries

Iowa City, Iowa  52242-1420

Campus Mail: 3094 LIB

Phone: (319) 335-5068


Social Media: Facebook

Guide Content Note

Guide content supports the teaching and research goals of multiple departments on campus. Content represents a non-exhaustive selection of essential resources and tools for engaging a wide range of backgrounds and viewpoints.