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The Perch: Space Use Policies & Best Practices

What's in the Perch?

The Perch Usage Policies

Checking out materials

Most of the materials in The Perch are newspapers and periodicals from the UI Libraries circulating collection. If the item is marked with UI Libraries stickers and barcodes, they are available for one week loan to all UI-affiliated and community borrower patrons. Patrons should use their UI ID or community borrower account to checkout materials at the Service Desk or the Self-Check Kiosk. For more information see the UI Libraries Circulation Policies.

Free materials in The Perch

The Perch serves as a distribution spot for a handful of approved student and community publications made available for your taking, free of charge. These materials can be found on the west wall of The Perch on the shelves in the Student & Community Publication section.

Scheduling class visits

The Perch was designed with teaching in mind and we look forward to hosting your class visits. Instructors wanting to bring their students into The Perch need to submit a request using The Perch Session Request form

If you'd like to discuss how to tailor your visit to meet class learning objectives or to brainstorm ways to incorporate The Perch into your classes, contact:

Scheduling events

We would love for you to host your news, writing, or literature related event at The Perch. To schedule, use The Perch Session Request form:

The Perch Best Practices

Browsing The Perch

The Perch is made for browsing. Please enjoy the space and the materials therein. Once you're finished browsing a title, we encourage you to leave the title in one of the large plastic boxes atop the countertops. Our UI Libraries staff will do the reshelving for you.

Scanning materials

If you find materials you'd like to use later and do not want to check the materials out, try using one of the scanners available adjacent to The Perch space. The scanners allow you to send yourself pdf copies of scanned materials from The Perch.

Be inspired

As the Writing University, we pride ourselves on fostering creative thinking and the written word. Check out the Literary Journals section when you need a dose of inspiration. You'll find a variety of types of writing there, from poetry, to speculative fiction, non-fiction essays, and more.

The Perch online

We hope you will visit often, but when you don't have time to be here in person, remember you can use the New & Reviews, Magazines, and Literature tabs on this guide to find links to the online versions of each of the publications found in The Perch. You can check your favorite publications regularly for new content or go mining through the back issues and archives from wherever you are.