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Resources for Singers: Finding Repertoire for your Voice

How to Find Songs (because it can be kind of difficult)

Three tips for how to find songs

1. Phrase search

If you know the title of the song you need to find, put the title in quotation marks. This forces the search to return results that contain that entire phrase, and not parts of it. 

Example: If Music Be the Food of Love vs. "If Music Be the Food of Love"

2. Search using unique terms

Sometimes song titles are entered into the catalog differently (e.g., "When I am Laid" vs. When I am Laid in Earth"), so sometimes extracting the most distinctive words and using them for your search leads to success; especially if you can match those terms with the composer's name. 

Example: earth AND laid AND purcell vs. when i am laid in earth

3. Search for your voice type

Specific voice types (soprano, tenor, mezzo, baritone, bass) can all be good search terms. Add "high voice" or "low voice" to your search to broaden its scope and retrieve more relevant items. 

Example: songs AND (soprano OR "high voice")

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Katie Buehner
Contact: Website
Subjects: Dance, Music, Theatre Arts