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Japanese Theater: Home


JapanKnowledge Icon includes number of reference sources that will be useful for researching Japanese theater and drama. To name a few, it includes...

  • Encyclopedia of Japan In English
  • 新編日本古典文学全集 includes 近松門左衛門集, 浄瑠璃集, etc.
  • Also includes 新版能・狂言事典 and 新版歌舞伎事典.

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Streaming Videos in Media Services Collection and Online

Theater in Japan: Yesterday and Today (Films For The Humanities & Sciences, 1989) 51:24 mins (From Theatre in Video) Icon

Dancing: Dance Centerstage by John Hill (composer), Raoul Trujillo, directed by Dunlop, Geoff (ArtHaus Musik) 58:45 mins. Ballet and kabuki. (From Dance in Video) Icon

Dancing: Dance at the Court by John Hill (composer), Raoul Trujillo (ArtHaus Musik) 59:03 mins. This program examines court dances in several different societies: England, Japan, Ghana, Java, France, and Russia. Imperial families nurtured court dance as an art form during peacetime. (From Dance in Video) Icon

Dream Girls , by Longinotto Kim, in Under the Sun (British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), 1994) 48 minutes. Takarazuka=宝塚 (From Under the Sun) Icon

NHK映像マップ みちしる (In Japanese) Video clips featuring regional culture are gathered from NHK Archives and made available online. The site includes Performing Arts and Music (芸能) cellection.

Video Databases

Rakugo Online

落語「じゅげむ」from おはなしのくにクラッシック on NHK for School

YouTube 演芸チャンネル: you can watch Rakugo and Manzai performances here.

落語はじめの一歩 by 落語芸術協会: includes 落語辞典 and 演目紹介 pages.


Asian Theatre Journal: Available both in print and via Literature Online, Project Muse, and JSTOR. Check the coverage in each database.

Monumenta Nipponica: Available both in print and via Project Muse and JSTOR. Check the coverage in each database. Also, you can do Keyword/Author/Title Search with the journal's Article/Translation/Book Review/Other in a wide variety of Subjects at its website.

Books in English

Reference Sources
