Academic Video Online delivers almost 80,000 titles spanning a wide range of subject areas including anthropology, business, counseling, film, health, history, music, and more.
PPR -- Films available in Academic Video Online -- excluding Film Platform titles -- include limited public performance rights, including public screenings if no permission is charged.
The Films on Demand platform hosts both the World Cinema collection as well as other subscribed titles from Films Media Group.
PPR -- "[A]ll programs listed on this website include full protection for public performances. A public performance is a non-theatrical performance of a program, without charge, outside the home to a gathering of people other than family members and or acquaintances."
Custom online libraries of streaming videos from a variety of studios on a variety of subjects.
UIowa can subscribe to individual titles upon request.
PDA subscriptions include:
* Latin American Studies Collection provides streaming access to a collection of psychotherapy, counseling, and addiction training videos. They also publish articles, interviews, blogs, and cartoons as free, additional educational resources; many of the therapists from the videos are also featured in interviews on this website.
Docuseek streams essential independent, social-issue and environmental films. The University of Iowa's collection includes the Docuseek2 Complete Collection™: Second Edition of 1,800 exclusive documentaries, as well as numerous other titles.
PPR -- Screening on campus to a group when no admission is charged and there is no advertising outside the learning community is permitted.
Provides the online collection of video available for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling--400 hours and more than 330 videos on completion. Includes volumes I - IV.
Encompasses all current and future JoVE video resources. JoVE publishes more than 1,200 videos annually across the 13 sections of the JoVE Video Journal and launches new subject series and collections to the JoVE Science Education Library several times a year. Access to both the fundamental building blocks of common laboratory techniques and the newest, cutting-edge experiments