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COMM 2064: Media, Advertising, and Society: Finding Physical Advertisements at the Library

How to Find Physical Things in the Library

General Structure of the Main Library

Floor Books (Library of Congress Classification Code* Ranges)
2 PS 3517 - Z
3 Current & Bound Journals (Journals & Magazines), Special Collections, University Archives, Theses & Dissertations
4 E - PS 3515, Folios F - Z
5 A - D, Folios A - F, Government Information

* Library of Congress Classification codes are the call numbers that are placed on each library book's spine to allow people to find books on the bookshelves. Each combination of letters denotes a general subject, with the later letters and numbers marking its specific place in the library. To find a book in the library, match the first two letters of your desired book's call number to the table above, then look for the book's location within the alphabetically-organized bookshelves on the appropriate floor. To learn more about this system, please look at the official Library of Congress Classification codes here (they're pretty fun to explore!) or watch the explanatory video below.

Where to Find Advertisements in the Library

Where to Find Advertisements in the Library

Based on the information in the box to the left, one of the best places to find advertisements in their native context, especially from the 1920s-1940s, is the third floor's Current & Bound Journals section!

The giant books in the Current & Bound Journals section are actually bound collections of the individual magazines themselves, grabbing as many complete issues (complete with advertisements) between their covers as possible.

The books in the Current & Bound Journals section are arranged a bit differently than the ones in the rest of the library: they're arranged in alphabetical order according to their original magazine's title.

Request journals for check out in InfoHawk+

You can search by journal title in InfoHawk+, then select volume and year. Make sure you select volumes in the UI Main Library Stacks (periodicals). Signing in with your HawkID and password will enable you to request the volume that you wish to check out.

Examples of Available Magazines

The Perch: Magazines

For more titles of magazines, visit The Perch on the 1st floor of the Main Library. The Perch contains the latest editions of physical magazines, newspapers, and literary journals, but also links to all volumes, some going back to the 1800s which you can find in both digital and physical format.