Ballweg's Physician Assistant: a Guide to Clinical Practice by Ritsema, Tamara S.; Brown, Darwin L.; Vetrosky, Daniel T.Designed as a highly visual and practical resource to be used across the spectrum of lifelong learning, Ballweg's Physician Assistant, 7th Edition, helps you master all the core competencies needed for physician assistant certification, recertification, and clinical practice. It remains the only textbook that covers all aspects of the physician assistant profession, the PA curriculum, and the PA's role in clinical practice. Ideal for both students and practicing PAs, it features a succinct, bulleted writing style, convenient tables, practical case studies, and clinical application questions that enable you to master key concepts and clinical applications. Addresses all six physician assistant competencies, as well as providing guidance for the newly graduated PA entering practice. Includes five new chapters: What Is a Physician Assistant, and How Did We Get Here?, Effective Use of Technology for Patient-Centered Care, Success in the Clinical Year, Transitioning to Practice and Working in Teams, and Finding Your Niche. Features an enhanced focus on content unique to the PA profession that is not readily found in other resources, more illustrations for today's visually oriented learners, a more consistent format throughout, and a new emphasis on the appropriate use of social media among healthcare professionals. Provides updated content throughout to reflect the needs of the PA profession, including new content on self-care for the PA to help prevent burnout, suicide, and other hazards faced by healthcare professionals. Guides students in preparation for each core clinical rotation and common electives, as well as working with special patient populations such as patients experiencing homelessness and patients with disabilities. Includes quick-use resources, such as objectives and key points sections for each chapter, tip boxes with useful advice, abundant tables and images, and more than 130 updated case studies. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices, as well as exclusive eBook chapters: A Primer on Learning Objectives, A Primer on Item Writing, and A Primer on Team-Based Learning.
ISBN: 9780323654166
Publication Date: 2021, 7th ed.
Clinical Leadership for Physician Assistants and Nurse Practitioners by Huckabee, Michael JosephThis groundbreaking text focuses on the practical knowledge and skills that both physician assistants (PAs) and nurse practitioners (NPs) need to be effective health care leaders in a multidisciplinary environment. Written by a recognized expert in physician assistant leadership, this engaging text helps PA and NP professionals--increasingly called upon to lead in a variety of clinical and administrative environments--to navigate the unique challenges they encounter. With an emphasis on concrete application of leadership principles, this text highlights interprofessional communication and the skills associated with becoming an effective leader in a variety of health care settings. Thought-provoking case studies provide real-world application of concepts throughout the text. Useful exercises throughout the chapters and appendices bring further clarity to the theoretical topics examined in the book.
ISBN: 9780826172228
Publication Date: 2018
EKGs for the Nurse Practitioner and Physician Assistant by Knechtel, Maureen A.It is vital for NPs and PAs to be highly skilled in EKG interpretation to correctly identify high-risk patients and to make appropriate clinical decisions. This reference book is the first to present a comprehensive, multifaceted approach to EKG interpretation, covering all major topics required for expertise in this area. Based on a physiologic approach that facilitates in-depth understanding, the text includes clinical scenarios that may be seen in practice, and firmly links the information found in the EKG printout to the patientís symptoms. It clearly presents the gamut of requisite topics in EKG interpretationófrom basic to complexóincluding topics not customarily addressed in depth, such as supraventricular tachycardias and pacemaker EKGs. The bookís multifaceted approach to EKG interpretation is enhanced with new approaches and recommendations, charts, and tables. Review questions at the end of each chapter enable students to identify problem areas. This book helps NPs, PAs, and other health professionals master their EKG interpretation skills and apply them with confidence every day. Key Features: Presents the first comprehensive guide to EKG interpretation Based on a physiological approach to promote in-depth understanding Connects the patientís presenting symptoms to EKG interpretation Uses charts, graphs, and printouts to support class discussion Includes end-of-chapter review questions
ISBN: 9780826199577
Publication Date: 2013
Essential Clinical Procedures by Dehn, Richard W. & Asprey, David P.**Selected for Doody's Core Titles® 2024 in General Internal Medicine** Provide safe and effective care to every patient with the fully revised 4th Edition of Essential Clinical Procedures. Written by experts in the field, this widely used reference shows you step by step how to perform more than 70 of the most common diagnostic and treatment-related procedures in today's primary care and specialist settings. You'll find clear, concise coverage of the skills you need to know, including new and advanced procedures and new procedure videos. Covers patient preparation, the proper use of instruments, and potential dangers and complications involved in common procedures, as well as nonprocedural issues such as informed consent, standard precautions, patient education, and procedure documentation. Includes new chapters on Point-of-Care Ultrasound and Ring Removal, as well as 34 new procedure videos. Features significantly revised content on cryosurgery . injection techniques . arterial puncture . shoulder/finger subluxations . sterile technique . outpatient coding . casting and splinting . blood cultures . standard precautions . and more. Contains more than 200 high-quality illustrations, including updated images of office pulmonary function testing and wound closure. Uses a consistently formatted presentation to help you find information quickly. Reflects the latest evidence-based protocols and national and international guidelines throughout. Enhanced eBook version included with purchase. Your enhanced eBook allows you to access all of the text, figures, and references from the book on a variety of devices.
ISBN: 9780323624671
Publication Date: 2021, 4th ed.
Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice by Ballweg, Ruth; Sullivan, Edward M.; Brown, Darwin; Vetrosky, DanielPrepare for every stage of your physician assistant career with Physician Assistant: A Guide to Clinical Practice, 5th Edition - the one text that takes you from your PA coursework through clinical practice! Concise, easy to read, and highly visual, this all-in-one resource by Ruth Ballweg, Edward M. Sullivan, Darwin Brown, and Daniel Vetrosky delivers the current, practical guidance you need to know to succeed in any setting. Master all the core competencies you need to know for certification or recertification. Access the entire text and illustrations online at Navigate today's professional challenges with new chapters on NCCPA Specialty Recognition; Communication Issues; the Electronic Health Record; Patient Safety and Quality of Care; Population-Based Practice; and Physician Assistants and Supervision. Meet ARC-PA accreditation requirements with coverage of key topics such as Student Safety in Clinical Settings, Health Care Delivery Systems, Population-Based Practice, and Mass Casualties/Disasters. Keep up with the PA competencies that are endorsed by the AAPA, PAEA, NCCPA, and ARC-PA. Master key concepts and clinical applications thanks to a succinct, bulleted writing style; convenient tables; practical case studies; and clinical application questions throughout. Retain what you've learned and easily visualize every aspect of clinical practice with a new full-color design and illustrations throughout. Explore global options with expanded coverage of physician assistants in international medicine. Your purchase entitles you to access the website until the next edition is published, or until the current edition is no longer offered for sale by Elsevier, whichever occurs first. If the next edition is published less than one year after your purchase, you will be entitled to online access for one year from your date of purchase. Elsevier reserves the right to offer a suitable replacement product (such as a downloadable or CD-ROM-based electronic version) should access to the website be discontinued.
ISBN: 9781455706570
Publication Date: 2013, 5th ed.
Physician Assistant Review Guide by Paulk, David & Agnew, DonnaPhysician Assistant Review Guide is a comprehensive overview for physician assistants preparing for the Physician Assistant National Certifying (PANCE) or Re-certifying exam (PANRE). This guide extensively covers every topic PAs need to know, including cardiology, dermatology, emergency medicine, infectious diseases, neurology, oncology, pediatrics, women's health, and more. Also features a straightforward question format with questions designed for both new graduates and practicing clinicians, as well as test-taking strategies, detailed illustrations and photographs, explanations to the answers with accompanying artwork, and clear connections between the best evidence-based clinical practice and subject matter testing.FEATURES Ideal review for the PANCE and PANRE exams Over 1088 questions included in the content review chapters FULL color photos and images for great reader comprehension Detailed answer rationales Test-taking strategies Organized by body systems, each chapter is written and peer reviewed by subject experts for the most up-to-date information connecting evidence-based clinical practice with exam review.Please note: Electronic formats of this review guide do not include the CD ROM.
ISBN: 9781449617646
Publication Date: 2010
Specialty Books
The Nurse Practitioner in Urology: A Manual for Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants and Allied Healthcare Providers by Quallich, Susanne & Lajiness, MichelleThis new edition updates the previous one and adds additional content related to postoperative management, pain management, LGBTQ care, and uroradiology. This book is designed to meet the needs of nurse practitioners, advanced practice nurses globally and physician assistants working in urology. Content assumes some background knowledge regarding the normal anatomy and physiology of the genitourinary system and the pathophysiology underlying specific urologic health-related problems. This ensures that the provider can pursue exemplary management of patients with acute and chronic urologic conditions in a wide variety of settings, including independent practices, and academic urologic practices. This manual fills the gaps that traditional curricula may have left, permitting the reader to proceed with confident management of adult patients with urologic care needs, promoting the role of a skilled clinician in urology, especially for chronic, non-operativeurologic conditions while recognizing those conditions which may benefit from surgical management. As the burden of urologic disease increases with an aging U.S. population, it is increasingly clear that nurse practitioners and physician assistants will be called on to move into roles caring for patients with urologic disease. Use of NPs and PAs to their highest education will become an increasingly important strategy for maintaining access and reducing costs, in the context of urologist workforce that is shrinking. However, urology topics receive sporadic attention in NP and PA curricula, leaving practicing NPs and PAs with gaps in their knowledge concerning trends and recommendations for management of urologic health conditions. As this demand for provider visits for urologic concerns increases, the demand for provider services to care for patients with urologic health concerns will also increase, and presents the opportunity for both NPs and PAs to move into specialty practice environments within urology.
ISBN: 9783030452667
Publication Date: 2020, 2nd ed.
Orthopaedics for Physician Assistants by Rynders, Sara D. & Hart, Jennifer A.Orthopaedics for Physician Assistants is designed for those PAs who at some point find themselves alone in the vast world of musculoskeletal care and need a fast, reliable source to make it through the day. This text is the first of its kind. It is written for PAs by PAs or PA advocates. Its format is made for quick reading and referencing. Its small size is meant for storage in a pocket or at a clinic workstation. Its content and depth of knowledge are meant to appeal to the level of orthopaedic care provided by PAs working in the emergency department, primary care office, urgent care office, or orthopaedic clinic. This text is a reference and meant to be part of every PA student’s library upon graduation.
ISBN: 9780323709859
Publication Date: 2022, 2nd ed.
Orthopedics for Physician Assistant and Nurse Practitioner Students by Gracy, John A.This practical introductory guide provides PA/NP students with the tools to recognize and begin treatment of the most common orthopedic problems, to avoid missing critical diagnoses, and to serve as a base of knowledge to which they can add depending on their chosen career path. Utilizing this concise text, PA/NP students will gain a basic familiarity with how to describe a problem (including imaging) to an orthopedic surgeon as well as how to begin treatment. In addition, the student should have no difficulty passing the orthopedic portion of the PA/NP credentialing exams.
ISBN: 9783031044069
Publication Date: 2022
US Army Physician Assistant Handbook by Borden Institute (U.S.) Staff (Contribution by)The Army physician assistant (PA) has an important role throughout Army medicine. This handbook will describe the myriad positions and organizations in which PAs play leadership roles in management and patient care. Chapters also cover PA education, certification, continuing training, and career progression. Topics include the Interservice PA Program, assignments at the White House and the Old Guard (3d US Infantry Regiment), and roles in research and recruiting, as well as the PA's role in emergency medicine, aeromedical evacuation, clinical care, surgery, and occupational health. More titles produced by the US Army, Borden Institute can be found here: Check out our Healthcare Teamwork & Patient Safety resources collection here: Best Care Everywhere can be found here: