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Critical Access Hospitals: Home

Free resources available to the Critical Access Hospitals.



All of the databases in this guide can be accessed for FREE.

Affiliates of the critical access hospitals can order many of the articles that you find in PubMed for FREE. This service is provided to you by the Hardin Library. 

To request articles found on PubMed, for free, employees will now need to fill out the form on this page: Note that this page originally was intended for people without any affiliation to UI and that it mentions charges/costs - these costs do not apply Critical Access Hospital Network employees. To make sure your affiliation is clear, type something similar to “I am an employee of _____, a critical access facility” into the Comment/Suggestions box on the form. This continues to be a free service for critical access affiliates.

If you would like to schedule a presentation on any of these resources for either yourself or your hospital, you can contact me by clicking on the Send Email link under Contact Info. This is a FREE service.

Not affiliated with a critical access hospital nor the University of Iowa? For a fee, you can get a scan of an article from Hardin's physical collection: To obtain items not physically owned at Hardin Library, you must use your local public or hospital library.