PubMed Clinical Queries
What is it? This major biomedical database searches 15 million article citations from 4800 journals in medicine, nursing, veterinary medicine and the basic sciences.
Highlights: Use Clinical Queries to search by study type (etiology, diagnosis, therapy, prognosis or clinical prediction guides) or search for systematic reviews, evidence-based practice guidelines and meta-analyses.
EBM: Clinical trials, meta-analyses and practice guidelines are labeled, but other evidence levels must be self-identified.
PubMed Main Search Page
What is it? Use this basic search for quick access to general research. The Review tab will limit to overview or introductory articles.
Highlights: Gives access to most current medical research including yet to be published materials. Set up an NCBI account to set up alerts and save searches.
EBM: Search PubMed by meta-analyis, clinical trial etc.
What is it? This search enging was developed by the University of Texas Health Sciences Center as a way to quickly search and filter health sciences literature.
Highlights: SUMSearch 2 simultaneously searches for studies (origina studies and systematic reviews), and practice guidelines. Searches for studies are revised up to 6 times as needed, while guidelines may be revised once.
EBM: Uses the Haynes filters to search multiple resources.
TRIP Database
What is it? TRIP (Turning Research into Practice) locates the highest possible evidence with which to inform clinical decisions, using the principles of evidence based medicine.
Highlights: Provides integrated results from a variety of clinical resources.
EBM: Results include evidence-based synopses, systematic reviews, guidelines and PubMed.