Check the NAICS search to clarify how the industry you are researching is classified, labled and structured.
This site is a free site from the US Government. It also offers data on many industries and sub-industries.
You can use the following databases to find information on industry trends, key players, industry ratios & statistics, forecasts and more.
Business reports in four categories: industry market research, industry risk ratings, company research, and economic and demographic data. US, Global, and China coverage.
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Provides access to statistics and studies gathered by market researchers, trade organizations, scientific publications, and government sources on over 600 industries.
Includes access to the S&P Industry Surveys (U.S. and global)
U.S. surveys cover 50 industries, are updated twice a year, and contain analysis, trend, and overview informatio
Passport is Euromonitor International’s global market analysis software platform, which analyses the industry in countries around the world. It monitors industry trends and gives strategic analysis and a market size and market share database for products across all key countries
Includes industry profile reports with information on current environment, key references, market trends and forecasts
Find articles in over 1200 business journals,and Marketline company reports, country analysis reports, and industry reports.
More than 1000 top industry segments are covered. Each report consists of key statistics and analysis on market and competitive landscape characteristics, operating conditions, business challenges, industry trends, current and historical industry growth, and more.
Offers industry financial analysis benchmarks for over 5,000 lines of business and industry market trends on thousands more.
A collection of industry market research, consisting of over 250 reports covering 18 industry sectors. The reports provide market size, historical and forecasted demand by product and markets, and profiles of the market leading companies.
Search for "TechNavio" to find industry reports. Then use left hand column to choose Resource: TechNavio, geography, industry, etc
Small Business Reference Center offers readers a collection of state-specific resources supported with demographic data and other local information. Completing the database are business videos that provide critical information for business owners including interviews, ‘lessons learned’ features, lectures and ‘how to’ videos to help foster success in all aspects of managing a business.
You can use the following databases to find information on market research reports, market share data and consumer market reports.