Directory information on U.S. and Canadian business, health care, and residential listings. Search by company name, geographic area, business type, SIC code, yellow page listing, revenue, location, number of employees or any combination of the above. In addition to address and phone number, each entry includes officer names and titles, corporate affiliation, business type and size of yellow page advertising. Toll free and fax numbers are given for some companies.
RECOMMEND USING CHROME; Business Source Complete provides full text for scholarly business journals and other sources, including full text for peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for top scholarly journals dating as far back as 1922. This database is updated daily.
Offers public and private company info. Find company financials dating back 3 -5 years, find business and geographic segment revenues, and more
Offers a business search engine (lower right). Find company profiles that offer business description, 5 years of financials, and company hierarchy. Includes private and public company profiles
Great source for public company information,
Find: Financials, Business description, Segment analysis, History, competitors and more
Orbis contains information about European, US, Canadian, South and Central American, Japanese, Chinese, and African companies, as well as banks and insurance companies. Financials, peer comparison, corporate ownership and deals are included.
Research companies, deals, investors, funds, limited partners, advisors, founders and C-suite. Company data includes startups, VC and PE-backed companies, as well as mature private and public firms
FIRST TIME USERS: please create an account using your University of Iowa email address ( and a password of your account.
USERS MUST create a login to use resource. Database of financial data on major privately-held companies. Includes private financials and revenues; private M&A deals and deal multiples, private firm valuations, VC funding, private equity deal history; and private and family ownership data
Los Angeles Times and Chicago Tribune are not accessible from Factiva. Contains a wide variety of financial information including business and economic news, text-search services, stock market quotations, financial and investment services and general news and information.
NB: 10 simultaneous user limit.
This database provides comprehensive full text coverage for regional business publications. Regional Business News incorporates coverage of 75 business journals, newspapers and newswires from all metropolitan and rural areas within the United States. This database is updated on a daily basis.
TURN OFF POP-UP BLOCKER; Researchers can quickly and easily search full-text documents from over 17,000 credible sources of information and pinpoint relevant information for a wide range of academic research projects. Extensive legal sources for federal and state cases and statutes, including U.S. Supreme Court decisions since 1790
Find the social and environmental impact of small to medium sized companies.
From the site: CSR Reports feature and link to recently published, non-financial Corporate Social Responsibility and Sustainability reports. The CSR Reports page also lists any press releases associated with the publication of a given report. Reports are associated with an issuing CSRwire member.
From the site: primary reference point for corporate responsibility (CR) reports and resources worldwide. Note: you must set up a free account to access info.
offers information about the health, environmental and social performance of products and companies.
Find out who is polluting. Offers a database that can be searched by company name.
Online publication. Discusses companies in relation to their financial, environmental, social, and governance performance.
From the site: "The purpose of Responsible Shopper is to alert consumers and investors to problems with companies that they may shop with or invest in, and encourage individuals to use their economic clout to demand greater corporate responsibility." Lists companies and offers a comparison of companies with industries.
Created by by Corporate Knights Inc. with Innovest Strategic Value Advisors Inc.. The list is released every year at the World Economic Forum.
Find a list of companies that donate 1% of their sales to environmental orgs.