Maruzen eBook Library (MeL) holds ebook edition of 源氏物語 (the Tale of Genji) from 新日本古典文学大系19 (岩波書店). Easy Navigating Manual for MeL is below.
JapanKnowledge database includes 源氏物語 from 新編日本古典文学全集 20 (小学館).
青空文庫 includes 与謝野晶子 version of 源氏物語.
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To find books about Genji monigatari (the tale of Genji), use subject heading search. On Basic Search screen in InfoHawk+, try this subject heading Murasaki Shikibu, b. 978? Genji monogatari.
Or, if you want to limit your search to English materials, switch to Advanced Search screen and select Subject field with the same subject heading and set the Language limit to English.
Other Subject Headings you might want to try:
Replicas of the Tale of Genji scrolls (miniature version) are available in UI Special Collections. If you'd like to know how to handle real Japanese scrolls, check out this online tutorial from the Freer and Sackler Gallery on YouTube: Safe Handling Practices for Japanese Handscrolls