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British Parliamentary Papers: Irish University Press Edition

Irish University Press Edition

The Irish University Press has reprinted selected nineteenth-century British Parliamentary Papers in 1000 volumes. These are divided into thirty-two subject areas listed below. There are many additional nineteenth-century Papers that did not make it into the IUP reprint series. These are available in a microfiche edition in Main Reserves and Media.

Below is a listing of subject sets in the Irish University Press series. Dates listed indicate only a start and end date for the set; there is not necessarily information for all of the years in between.

As mentioned above, in most cases not all of the material available on a subject has been included in a set. However, in selected sets of great importance, such as Slave Trade, all materials are included. These sets are indicated below by an asterisk (*).

For detailed information on the contents of each set, consult the following:

Catalogue of British Parliamentary Papers in the Irish University Press 1000–Volume Series and Area Studies Series, 1801–1900. Dublin, Irish University Press, 1977. fZ2019.I723  

Checklist of British Parliamentary Papers in the Irish University Press 1000–Volume Series, 1801–1899. Shannon, Ireland, 1972. fZ2009.G68 Suppl.




  • Agriculture, General, 1820–1897. (32 vols.) fHD1921.A74
  • Animal Health, 1866–1898. (4 vols.) fSF657.A33


  • Aborigines, 1834–1837. (3 vols.) fJV305.G73


  • Colonies, General, 1830–1899. (37 vols.) fJV1004.A33
  • Africa, 1801–1899. (70 vols.) fDT32.G74
  • Australia, 1816–1899. (34 vols.) fDU80.G74*
  • Canada, 1802–1899. (33 vols.) fF1003.G74*
  • Canadian Boundary, 1831–1894. (3 vols.) fF1027.5.G43*
  • East India, 1805–1874. (22 vols.) fHF486.E5G74
  • New Zealand, 1835–1896. (17 vols.) fDU420.G33*
  • West Indies, 1806–1899. (10 vols.) fF2131.G74

Crime and Punishment

  • Civil Disorder, 1835–1895. (8 vols.) fDA950.G74
  • Juvenile Offenders, 1847–1897. (6 vols.) fHV9145.A33
  • Penal Servitude, 1878–1879. (2 vols.) fHV8423.A6
  • Police, 1812–1892. (10 vols.) fHV7725.A33
  • Prisons, 1809–1899. (21 vols.) fHV8423.A6
  • Transportation, 1810–1869. (16 vols.) fHV8949.A33


  • Education, General, 1847–1896. (46 vols.) fLA631.7.A33
  • British Museum, 1835–1899. (4 vols.) fAM101.B87G74
  • Fine Arts, 1841–1897. (6 vols.) fN6767.A33
  • Poorer Classes, 1816–1896. (9 vols.) fLC5056.G7A33
  • Public Libraries, 1849–1852. (2 vols.) fZ791.G74
  • Scientific and Technical, 1867–1884. (8 vols.) fQ181.G58


  • Emigration, 1826–1899. (28 vols.) fJV7604.A33


  • Famine, Ireland, 1846–1853. (8 vols.) fDA950.7.G74


  • Fisheries, 1805–1894. (7 vols.) fSH255.A33

Fuel and Power

  • Coal Trade, 1830–1873. (5 vols.) fHD9511.1.A33
  • Gas, 1809–1899. (6 vols.) fTP733.G7A33
  • Mining Accidents, 1835–1899. (12 vols.) fTN311.G74
  • Mining Districts, 1839–1859. (2 vols.) fHD8039.M6174
  • Mining Royalties, 1887–1894. (3 vols.) fTN241.G7A33


  • Civil Service, 1837–1892. (12 vols.) fJN421.A33
  • Diplomatic Service, 1835–1872. (4 vols.) fJX1784.A37
  • Elections, 1834–1898. (5 vols.) fJN1081.A33
  • Municipal Corporations, 1833–1839. (9 vols.) fJS7.G58A33


  • Health, General, 1839–1899. (17 vols.) fRA241.A33
  • Food and Drugs, 1852–1895. (5 vols.) fHD9000.9.G7A33
  • Infectious Diseases, 1847–1897. (13 vols.) fRC110.G74
  • Medical Profession, 1822–1880. (5 vols.) fR486.G74
  • Mental, 1807–1897. (7 vols.) fRA790.7.G7A33

Industrial Relations

  • Industrial Relations, 1824–1899. (44 vols.) fHD8381.A33

Industrial Revolution

  • Children's Employment, 1816–1867. (15 vols.) fHD6250.G71A33
  • Design, 1835–1852. (4 vols.) fTS171.G74
  • Factories, 1835–1899. (31 vols.) fHD2356.G7A33
  • Textiles, 1802–1841. (10 vols.) fTS1357.A33
  • Trade, 1820–1833. (5 vols.) fHE3505.8.G74


  • Insurance, Friendly Societies, 1825–1899. (10 vols.) fHS1505.G7A33


  • Inventions, 1829–1872. (2 vols.) fT257.S13A33

Legal Administration

  • Legal Administration, General, 1829–1887. (16 vols.) fJN760.A33
  • Criminal Law, 1819–1879. (6 vols.) fK343.094303.A33

Marriage and Divorce

  • Marriage and Divorce, 1830–1896. (3 vols.) fHQ613.A33

Military and Naval

  • Military and Naval, 1809–1900. (6 vols.) fUA648.A33

Monetary Policy

  • Monetary policy, General, 1807–1898. (12 vols.) fHG933.A334
  • Commercial Distress, 1847–1858. (4 vols.) fHB3717.G74
  • Currency, 1837–1899. (8 vols.) fHG933.A33
  • Decimal Coinage, 1852–1860. (2 vols.) fHG933.A332
  • Joint Stock Banks, 1836–1838. (1 vol.) fHG2982.A33
  • Savings Banks, 1849–1894. (4 vols.) fHG1926.A33

National Finance

  • National Finance, General, 1840–1898. (8 vols.) fHJ40.S4
  • Income Tax, 1851–1861. (2 vols.) fHJ40.S42


  • Newspapers, 1814–1888. (2 vols.) fPN4748.G7A33

Poor Law

  • Poor Law, 1834–1900. (30 vols.) fHV241.A33


  • Population, 1831–1894. (25 vols.) fHB3583.A33

Posts and Telegraphs

  • Posts and Telegraphs, 1837–1898. (8 vols.) fHE58.A33


  • Religion, 1851–1870. (3 vols.) fBV764.G5A33


  • Shipping, Safety, 1802–1899. (9 vols.) fVK1057.A33

Slave Trade

  • Slave Trade, 1801–1899. (95 vols.) fHT1162.A33*

Social Problems

  • Drunkenness, 1834–1879. (4 vols.) fHV5445.A5
  • Gambling, 1808–1895. (2 vols.) fHV6722.G8A33
  • Sunday Observance, 1831–1890. (3 vols.) fHF5429.6.G7A33

Stage and Theatre

  • Stage and Theatre, 1831–1892. (3 vols.) fPN2044.G6A33

Trade and Industry

  • Depression, 1884–1886. (3 vols.) fHB3783.A33
  • Explosives, 1802–1894. (2 vols.) fTP270.G74
  • Navigation Laws, 1847–1848. (2 vols.) fK347.750942.G74
  • Silver and Gold Wares, 1817–1894. (2 vols.) fHD9747.G72A33
  • Tobacco, 1806–1884. (2 vols.) fHD9141.1.A33


  • Transport, 1817–1899. (22 vols.) fHE243.G74

Urban Areas

  • Housing, 1881–1885. (3 vols.) fHD7333.A3G74
  • Planning, 1833–1894. (10 vols.) fHT169.G7A33
  • Sanitation, 1823–1891. (7 vols.) fTD765.G74
  • Water Supply, 1821–1900. (9 vols.) fHD4465.G7A33


  • Volume 1: Hansard's Catalogue and Breviate of Parliamentary Papers, 1696–1834, with an introduction by P. Ford and G. Ford of the University of Southampton. fZ2009.G68 v.1
  • Volume 2: Reports of Select Committees, 1801–52. fZ2009.G68 v.2
  • Volume 3: Accounts and Papers, Reports of Royal Commissioners, etc. 1801–52. fZ2009.G68 v.3
  • Volume 4: Bills, Reports, Estimates, Accounts and Papers, 1852–69. fZ2009.G68 v.4
  • Volume 5: Bills, 1801–52. fZ2009.G68 v.5
  • Volume 6: Bills, Reports, Estimates, Accounts and Papers, 1870–79. fZ2009.G68 v.6
  • Volume 7: Bills, Reports, Estimates, Accounts and Papers, 1880–89. fZ2009.G68 v.7
  • Volume 8: Bills, Reports, Estimates, Accounts and Papers, 1890–99. fZ2009.G68 v.8
  • Special Index: Annual Lists and General Index of the Papers Relating to the East Indies, 1801–1907. fZ3208.A4G74 v.1
  • Catalogue of British Parliamentary Papers in the Irish University Press 1000–Volume Series and Area Studies Series, 1801–1900. Dublin, Irish University Press, 1977. fZ2019.I723  
  • Checklist of British Parliamentary Papers in the Irish University Press 1000–Volume Series, 1801–1899. Shannon, Ireland, 1972. fZ2009.G68 Suppl.

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