欢迎! (Welcome!) to the Chinese film guide. This guide can serve as a jumping off point for your research of Chinese film. Whether this is your first foray into the world of Chinese film or you are a savvy expert, we hope this guide will have something to offer you. Of course if you have any questions, don't hesistate to contact a librarian for further help! Contact information is listed to the right of this box and you are always welcome to stop by the Main library reference desk.
A How To on Using This Guide:
Located on the tabs towards the top of this guide are categories of resources: including but not limited to web based resoruces, academic databases for finding journal articles or film reviews, and information about finding films in the university's catalog. Some of these resources are related to Chinese studies, some are more broad to include general film studies, and some combine both in being specifically related to Chinese film studies. By clicking on the tab listed as Avaliable films, for example, you will find a list of DVDs and VHS relating to Chinese cinema readily available from the library catalog for checkout.
For additional resources see the Chinese Film Studies Research Guide on the Chinese collection website for the University of Iowa Main Library.
This guide was created by Ian Mason.